4. Creating an IPUJob

Once the CRDs and the IPU Operator are installed, you can start submitting IPUJobs (MPI-based AI/ML jobs that use IPUs).

4.1. Training job

There are two ways of running a training job:

  1. a single Worker Pod - the IPU Operator directly starts a Worker Pod

  2. multiple Worker Pods with a dedicated Launcher Pod - the IPU Operator starts a Launcher Pod and multiple Worker Pods;

The first approach is used for training that uses only one node.

The second approach is used for distributed training to multiple Pods that may run on multiple nodes. It utilizes mpirun or poprun in a Launcher Pod, that spawns workloads inside Worker Pods.

4.1.1. Simple training

The first IPUJob example shows how to run simple training on one node using a single Worker Pod.

The following YAML file is an example of an IPUJob with training using the MNIST PyTorch application:

apiVersion: graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
kind: IPUJob
  name: mnist-training
  # jobInstances defines the number of job instances.
  # More than 1 job instance is usually useful for inference jobs only.
  jobInstances: 1
  # ipusPerJobInstance refers to the number of IPUs required per job instance.
  # A separate IPU partition of this size will be created by the IPU Operator
  # for each job instance.
  ipusPerJobInstance: "1"
        - name: mnist-training
          image: graphcore/pytorch-tutorials:3.0.0
          workingDir: "/opt/tutorials/simple_applications/pytorch/mnist"
          command: ["bash"]
          args: ["-c", "pip3 install -r requirements.txt && python3 mnist_poptorch.py --epochs=1"]
        restartPolicy: Never

Download mnist-training-ipujob.yaml

There are several fields specific to IPUJob:


This defines the number of jobs. In the case of training it should be 1.


This defines the size of IPU partition that will be created for each job instance.


This defines a Pod specification that will be used for Worker Pods.

Save the above specification file as mnist-training-ipujob.yaml then run:

$ kubectl apply -f mnist-training-ipujob.yaml
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-training created

Now you can inspect what happens in the cluster and you should see something similar to:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ipu-operator-controller-manager-6dc5cb7976-hv4ht   2/2     Running   0          4d18h
ipu-operator-vipu-proxy-669d7fd755-jh4hl           1/1     Running   0          4d18h
mnist-training-worker-0                            0/1     Running   0          50s

You can also list the IPUJobs in the cluster and see their status:

$ kubectl get ipujobs
NAME            STATUS    AGE
mnist-training  Running   40s

And you can inspect more details about a specific IPUJob as follows:

$ kubectl describe ipujobs mnist-training
Name:         mnist-training
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:  graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
Kind:         IPUJob
  Creation Timestamp:  2022-10-25T09:46:32Z
  Generation:  3
  Managed Fields:
    API Version:  graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
    Fields Type:  FieldsV1
    Manager:      kubectl-client-side-apply
    Operation:    Update
    Time:         2022-10-25T09:46:32Z
    API Version:  graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
    Fields Type:  FieldsV1
    Manager:         manager
    Operation:       Update
    Time:            2022-10-25T09:46:44Z
  Resource Version:  112884653
  UID:               b7eaa6bb-5d01-4702-a1ac-321ec7e97df1
  Clean Pod Policy:           None
  Ipus Per Job Instance:      1
  Job Instances:              1
  Model Replicas Per Worker:  1
  Restart Policy:
    Back Off Limit:  3
    Type:            Never
    Replicas:  1
      Rolling Update:
        Max Surge:        25%
        Max Unavailable:  25%
      Type:               RollingUpdate
          App:  mnist
          Image:  bencet/test-operator:latest
          Name:   test-ipujob
        Restart Policy:      Never
  Workers Per Job Instance:  1
    Last Transition Time:  2022-10-25T09:46:44Z
    Last Update Time:      2022-10-25T09:46:44Z
    Message:               Waiting for resources to be ready.
    Reason:                IPUJobPending
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Pending
    Last Transition Time:  2022-10-25T09:46:51Z
    Last Update Time:      2022-10-25T09:46:51Z
    Message:               All instances are running
    Reason:                IPUJobRunning
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Running
    Last Transition Time:  2022-10-25T09:47:56Z
    Last Update Time:      2022-10-25T09:47:56Z
    Message:               One or more instances finished successfully
    Reason:                IPUJobSucceeded
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Succeeded
  Current Replicas:        0
  Desired Replicas:        1
  I PU Partition Created:  false
  Last Message:            One or more instances finished successfully
  Launcher Status:         Completed
  Restart Count:           0
  Workers Status:
Events:  <none>

4.1.2. Distributed training

In the case of distributed training a Launcher Pod with multiple Worker Pods is used.

The following YAML file is an example of an IPUJob with distributed training using the MNIST PyTorch application:

apiVersion: graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
kind: IPUJob
  name: mnist-distributed-training
  jobInstances: 1
  ipusPerJobInstance: "2"
  workersPerJobInstance: "2"
  modelReplicasPerWorker: "1"
      - mpirun
      - --allow-run-as-root
      - --bind-to
      - none
      - -np
      - "2"
      - bash
      - -c
      - cd /opt/tutorials/simple_applications/pytorch/mnist; pip3 install -r requirements.txt && sed -i 's/poptorch.Options()/poptorch.Options\(\).randomSeed\(0\)/g' mnist_poptorch.py && python3 mnist_poptorch.py --epochs=1
        - name: mnist-distributed-training
          image: graphcore/pytorch-tutorials:3.0.0

Download mnist-distributed-training-ipujob.yaml

There are several fields specific to IPUJob that are relevant to distributed training workloads:


As in the example above, this should be set to 1 for training jobs.


This defines the number of workers and can be used to scale down or scale up the number of Worker pods.


Number of model replicas that will be made available for each worker (parallel data technique), details below.


This defines the size of IPU partition that will be created for each job instance.

Having seen both single worker and multiple worker training IPUJobs we can now explain the logical structure of IPUJob.

IPUJob training

The picture above shows relations between various entities within IPUJob.

IPUJob may have zero or one Launcher. This is controlled by the presence of a launcher field. There could be more than one Launcher if the jobInstance field is greater than 1, but it does not make sense in case of training, for which it should be set to 1.

There can be one or more Worker Pods. The number of workers is defined by workersPerJobInstance. This allows the distribution of training to multiple nodes.

If we want to leverage the parallel data technique for training to speed it up, we may increase the number of model replicas by increasing modelReplicasPerWorker field. Generally, it should be set to 1 or to a power of 2 (for example 2, 4, 8 and so on).

Having set the above numbers, the ipusPerJobInstance field needs to be adjusted. It should contain the number of IPUs required by one model replica multiplied by number of replicas and number of Worker Pods.

Let’s go back to our example and run it. Save the above specification file as mnist-distributed-training-ipujob.yaml then run:

$ kubectl apply -f mnist-training-ipujob.yaml
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-training created

Now you can inspect what happens in the cluster and you should see something similar to:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
ipu-operator-controller-manager-6dc5cb7976-vlj72   2/2     Running     0          45h
ipu-operator-vipu-proxy-669d7fd755-jh4hl           1/1     Running     0          7d13h
mnist-distributed-training-launcher                0/1     Completed   0          16h
mnist-distributed-training-worker-0                1/1     Running     0          16h
mnist-distributed-training-worker-1                1/1     Running     0          16h

You may notice that now there is a new Launcher Pod (previously there was no Launcher) and 2 Worker Pods (previously there was 1).

You can also list the IPUJobs in the cluster and see their status:

$ kubectl get ipujobs
NAME                        STATUS    AGE
mnist-distributed-training  Running   40s

And you can inspect more details about a specific IPUJob as follows:

$ kubectl describe ipujobs mnist-training

4.2. Inference job

IPU Operator supports running inference jobs, especially scaling them up and down. The following is an example of an IPUJob specification that emulates inference serving by running sleep infinity.

apiVersion: graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
kind: IPUJob
  name: mnist-inference
  jobInstances: 1
  ipusPerJobInstance: "1"
        - name: mnist-inference
          image: graphcore/pytorch-tutorials:3.0.0
          command: ["sleep", "infinity"]

Download mnist-inference-ipujob.yaml

IPUJob inference

A critical field from the inference perspective is jobInstances field. It can be used to scale down or scale up the number of Worker Pods that serve inference requests. When the kubectl scale command is used it changes the value of this field.

Save the above specification as mnist-inference-ipujob.yaml, then run:

$ kubectl apply -f mnist-inference-ipujob.yaml
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference created

Now, you can inspect what happens in the cluster and you should see something similar to:

$ kubectl get pods,ipujobs
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/ipu-operator-controller-manager-6dc5cb7976-vlj72   2/2     Running   0          117m
pod/ipu-operator-vipu-proxy-669d7fd755-jh4hl           1/1     Running   0          5d17h
pod/mnist-inference-worker-0                           1/1     Running   0          11s

NAME                                  STATUS    CURRENT   DESIRED   LASTMESSAGE                 AGE
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference   Running   1         1         All instances are running   17s

4.2.1. Scale up or down operations

To scale up the number of Worker instances to 2, run the following command:

$ kubectl scale ipujob/mnist-inference --replicas 2
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference scaled

$ kubectl get pods,ipujobs
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/ipu-operator-controller-manager-6dc5cb7976-vlj72   2/2     Running   0          118m
pod/ipu-operator-vipu-proxy-669d7fd755-jh4hl           1/1     Running   0          5d17h
pod/mnist-inference-worker-0                           1/1     Running   0          118s
pod/mnist-inference-worker-1                           1/1     Running   0          34s

NAME                                  STATUS    CURRENT   DESIRED   LASTMESSAGE                 AGE
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference   Running   2         2         All instances are running   2m4s

Note that now there are two Pods (mnist-inference-worker-0 and mnist-inference-worker-1) and CURRENT and DESIRED Pod counters in mnist-inference IPUJob have grown from 1 to 2.

Let’s scale further to 4 job instances:

$ kubectl scale ipujob/mnist-inference --replicas 4
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference scaled

$ kubectl get pods,ipujobs
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/ipu-operator-controller-manager-6dc5cb7976-vlj72   2/2     Running   0          122m
pod/ipu-operator-vipu-proxy-669d7fd755-jh4hl           1/1     Running   0          5d17h
pod/mnist-inference-worker-0                           1/1     Running   0          5m28s
pod/mnist-inference-worker-1                           1/1     Running   0          4m4s
pod/mnist-inference-worker-2                           1/1     Running   0          14s
pod/mnist-inference-worker-3                           1/1     Running   0          14s

NAME                                  STATUS    CURRENT   DESIRED   LASTMESSAGE                 AGE
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference   Running   4         4         All instances are running   5m34s

As you can see, the number of Pods has grown to 4.

And now let’s scale down the number of job instances to 1, by running the following command:

$ kubectl scale ipujob/mnist-inference --replicas 1
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference scaled

$ kubectl get pods,ipujobs
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
pod/ipu-operator-controller-manager-6dc5cb7976-vlj72   2/2     Running       0          124m
pod/ipu-operator-vipu-proxy-669d7fd755-jh4hl           1/1     Running       0          5d17h
pod/mnist-inference-worker-0                           1/1     Running       0          7m14s

NAME                                  STATUS    CURRENT   DESIRED   LASTMESSAGE                 AGE
ipujob.graphcore.ai/mnist-inference   Running   1         1         All instances are running   7m20s

Scaled down to 1.

4.3. Automatic restarts

You may want your IPUJob to automatically restart in certain cases. Currently, we support four types of restart policies which can be defined under the IPUJob specification in restartPolicy field:

  • Always – the job will be always restarted when finished regardless of success or failure.

  • OnFailure – the job will only be restarted if it fails regardless of why it failed.

  • Never – the job will never be restarted when finished regardless of success or failure.

  • ExitCode – the job will be restarted only in the event of the prior run having exited with code(s) you specify

The IPU Operator will check these exit codes to determine the behaviour when an error occurs, for example:

  • 1-127 – permanent error, do not restart.

  • 128-255 – retriable error, will restart the job.

An example of an IPUJob with restart policy defined:

apiVersion: graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
kind: IPUJob
  name: mnist-training
  jobInstances: 1
  ipusPerJobInstance: "1"
  # IPUJob should be restarted only when the process exits with code between 10 and 20.
  # IPUJob is considered as failed after 7 retries.
    type: ExitCode
    exitCodes: "10-20"
    backOffLimit: 7

4.4. Clean up resources and IPU partitions

Once the job is finished and is no longer going to be restarted, the IPU Operator can perform an automatic cleanup to free the Kubernetes resources that are no longer needed. This can be defined in cleanPodPolicy under the IPUJob specification. The following values can be set:

  • Workers – delete the Workers only when the job is finished.

  • All – delete all Pods (Launcher and Worker Pods) and release IPU resources when the job is finished. It is also worth mentioning that if the cleanPodPolicy is set like so, it will take priority over any restartPolicy. It means that the restartPolicy will act as if it was set to Never.

  • None – don’t delete any Pods when the job is finished. This is the default setting.

An example of IPUJob with cleanup policy defined:

apiVersion: graphcore.ai/v1alpha1
kind: IPUJob
  name: mnist-training
  jobInstances: 1
  ipusPerJobInstance: "1"
  # Only workers should be deleted when the job is finished.
  cleanPodPolicy: "Workers"