PopART Python API Reference
Version: latest
1. Introduction
2. PopART Python API
2.1. Sessions
2.1.1. Training session
2.1.2. Inference session
2.1.3. Session Options
2.2. Data input and output
2.3. Tensors
2.4. Optimizers
2.4.1. SGD
2.4.2. ConstSGD
2.4.3. Adam
2.4.4. AdaDelta, RMSProp & AdaGrad
2.5. Builder
2.5.1. AiGraphcoreOpset1
2.6. Data flow
2.7. Device manager
2.8. Ops
2.8.1. Op definition for PopART IR
2.9. Patterns
2.10. Utility classes
2.10.1. Writer
2.10.2. Error handling
2.10.3. Debug context
2.10.4. Input shape information
2.10.5. Type definitions
2.10.6. Enums
3. Index
4. Legal notices
PopART Python API Reference
This document is for previous versions of the Poplar SDK up to 2.6.
For up to date information, refer to the
PopART User Guide
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