8. PopVision trace instrumentation library (PVTI)


namespace pvti


PVTI library predefined trace categories.

These predefined channels can be enabled or disabled at runtime. Tracepoints can be created using these channels, or custom channels can be added.

TraceChannel traceDrivers
TraceChannel tracePoplar
TraceChannel traceFramework


typedef struct pvti::TraceChannel TraceChannel

PVTI trace categories type definition.

Use for defining custom channels.


void enableTraceChannel(TraceChannel *channel)

Enable tracing channel for the session.

PVTI_OPTIONS environment variable must be set, and trace enabled. See “Configuring trace options” for more information.

  • channel: A pointer to the channel to be enabled.

void disableTraceChannel(TraceChannel *channel)

Disable tracing channel for the session.

  • channel: A pointer to the channel to be disabled.

bool checkTraceChannel(TraceChannel *channel)

Check if tracing channel is enabled.


True if the channel is enabled, false if it is disabled.

  • channel: A pointer to the channel to check.

std::vector<TraceChannel*> listTraceChannel(void)

Get a list of all traceChannels in the session.


A vector of pointers to the traceChannels in the session.

std::string getCurrentTraceFilename(void)

Get the current trace session filename.


The current trace session filename.

void closeTrace()

Close the current trace session.

No Tracepoint events should be invoked following this function call.

struct TraceChannel
#include <pvti.hpp>

PVTI trace categories type definition.

Use for defining custom channels.

Public Functions

TraceChannel(const char *name, bool enabled = true)

Construct a TraceChannel object, and add it to the current session.


Public Members

const char *name
bool enabled
class Tracepoint
#include <pvti.hpp>

Class for managing tracing of events.

Public Functions

Tracepoint(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const std::string traceLabel)

Profile a function or a scope by creating a named stack object of Tracepoint type.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create the tracepoint for

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this scope’s trace.

Tracepoint(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const char *traceLabel, const int32_t traceLabelLen = -1)

Profile a function or a scope by creating a named stack object of Tracepoint type.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create the tracepoint for.

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this scope’s trace.

  • traceLabelLen: The number of characters to use from the traceLabel (-1 indicates all).


Invoked on Tracepoint function exit.

Tracepoint(const Tracepoint&) = delete
Tracepoint &operator=(const Tracepoint&) = delete

Public Static Functions

void begin(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const std::string traceLabel)

Start profiling a region using this function.

Should be complemented with an end() to profile between the two.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create tracepoints for.

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this region’s trace.

void begin(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const char *traceLabel, const int32_t traceLabelLen = -1)

Start profiling a region using this function.

Should be complemented with with an end() to profile between the two.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create tracepoints for.

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this region’s trace.

  • traceLabelLen: The number of characters to use from the traceLabel (-1 indicates all).

void end(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const std::string traceLabel)

End profiling a region using this function.

Should be the complement to a begin() to profile between the two.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create tracepoints for.

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this region’s trace.

void end(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const char *traceLabel, const int32_t traceLabelLen = -1)

End profiling a region using this function.

Should be the complement to a begin() to profile between the two.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create tracepoints for.

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this region’s trace.

  • traceLabelLen: The number of characters to use from the traceLabel (-1 indicates all).

void event(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const std::string traceLabel)

Mark an occurrence to be instrumented.

Can be used to compute duration between two events of the same or different type.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create tracepoints for.

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this event.

void event(TraceChannel *traceChannel, const char *traceLabel, const int32_t len = -1)

Mark an occurrence to be instrumented.

Can be used to compute duration between two events of same or different type.

  • traceChannel: The channel to create tracepoints for.

  • traceLabel: A unique user-friendly string for this event.

  • traceLabelLen: The number of characters to use from the traceLabel (-1 indicates all).

Private Members

TraceChannel *channel
const std::string label
const char *strLabel
const int32_t strLabelLen