
#include <poplar/Error.hpp>
namespace poplar

Poplar classes and functions.

A VectorList is a list of vectors with a specific layout and with the usage semantics of a 2D vector.

A 1D vector must be laid out in a contiguous memory region. A 2D vector is a vector of 1D vectors. Each of these 1D vectors that make up a 2D vector is called a “sub-vector” for the remainder of this document. The elements of a 2D vector can be accessed by indexing the 2D vector along the outer and inner dimensions as A[outer][inner].

The following two categories of layouts are supported:

  1. VectorListLayout::DELTANELEMENTS is a memory efficient 2D vector layout. For legacy systems VectorListLayout::DELTAN served a similar purpose. Each sub-vector must be laid out as a contiguous memory region but the sub-vectors may may not be laid out contiguous with respect to each other in memory. Each sub-vector may have a different length.

  2. VectorListLayout::ONE_PTR and other VectorListLayout layouts that are prefixed by SCALED_PTR are for Poplar runtime use only.


enum class ErrorCode : unsigned

Unique error codes for all the possible errors.

These errors can also be simulated using Engine::simulateError().

Floating point exceptions will always be generated for simulated errors. For real errors, floating point exceptions must be enabled for these exceptions to be generated.


enumerator NONE = 0

Not an error.

enumerator UNKNOWN

The error does not have an error code yet.

enumerator TRAP

The tile raises a debug exception event.


The tile failed to execute a floating point operation because it is invalid, for example multiplying a number by a NaN.


The tile tried to divide a floating point number by zero.


The tile performed some floating point operation that caused a floating point number to overflow.


Two or more threads on the tile tried to access the same memory bank at the same time.


The tile tried to configure how it communicates with other tiles incorrectly.


The tile tried to access memory that it does not have access to.


The tile tried to execute an instruction with an invalid operand.


The tile’s program counter does not point to a valid region of memory.


The tile tried to execute an invalid instruction.


The tile failed to successfully communicate with other tiles.

enumerator MEMORY_ERROR

The tile has detected one or more memory parity errors indicating that data may be corrupted.

enumerator IPUSOFTERR

Same as memory error but reported via the SOC rather than tile exception.

A connection between IPUs failed.

The connection between the host and the IPUs failed.


The host didn’t receive any communication from the IPUs for a timeout period.

This error can be caused by a large number of things, such as: IPU deadlock, host miscommunication and some types of hardware error.


GCDA has determined that an excessive number of parity errors have occurred on a particular tile of an IPU, and marked this device as malfunctioning.

When this occurs Poplar will get a MEMORY_ERROR or IPUSOFTERR and the GCDA health check will report a failure.


StringRef errorCodeToString(ErrorCode error)

Convert a poplar::ErrorCode code to a string.


poplar::poplar_error – If error cannot be converted to a string.

ErrorCode errorCodeFromString(StringRef error)

Convert a string to a poplar::ErrorCode code.


poplar::poplar_error – If error cannot be converted to a poplar::ErrorCode.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ErrorCode error)
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, ErrorCode &error)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ErrorLocation &location)
struct ErrorLocation
#include <Error.hpp>

Uniquely identify the location of an error within a Poplar Device.

Public Functions

explicit operator bool() const noexcept

true if ErrorLocation has been set and false otherwise. For a default constructed ErrorLocation this will return false.

unsigned getTile() const noexcept

The tile on which the error will occur or has occurred.

bool operator==(const ErrorLocation &rhs) const noexcept
bool operator!=(const ErrorLocation &rhs) const noexcept
ErrorLocation() noexcept
ErrorLocation(ErrorLocation const &other)
ErrorLocation(ErrorLocation &&other) noexcept
~ErrorLocation() noexcept
ErrorLocation &operator=(ErrorLocation other) noexcept
ErrorLocation(core::ErrorLocation other)

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<core::ErrorLocation> impl


friend class Engine
friend struct ErrorLocationHash
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ErrorLocation &location)
struct ErrorLocationHash
#include <Error.hpp>

Hash function for ErrorLocation.

Public Functions

size_t operator()(const ErrorLocation &location) const noexcept
namespace core