2. Installation

PopTorch is part of the Poplar SDK. It is packaged as a Python wheel file that can be installed using pip.

For more information about installing the Poplar SDK, see the Getting Started Guide for your IPU system.

2.1. Using a Python virtual environment

We recommend creating a virtual environment to isolate your PopTorch environment from the system Python environment You can use the Python tool virtualenv for this. You can create a virtual environment and install PopTorch as shown below:

$ virtualenv -p python3 poptorch_test
$ source poptorch_test/bin/activate
$ pip install <sdk_path>/poptorch_x.x.x.whl

2.2. Setting the environment variables

The PopART and Poplar runtime libraries are required to use PopTorch, so you will need to set the library search paths, using the scripts provided in the SDK:

# Enable the Python environment containing PopTorch (if not already enabled)
$ source poptorch_test/bin/activate

# Add the Poplar and PopART runtime libraries to the search path
$ source <path to poplar installation>/enable.sh
$ source <path to popart installation>/enable.sh

2.3. Validating the setup

You can run this simple example to verify that the system is working as expected. This example can be found in the Poplar SDK installation.

Listing 2.1 Simple adder example
 1#!/usr/bin/env python3
 2# Copyright (c) 2020 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
 4import torch
 5import torch.nn as nn
 6import poptorch
 8# This simple example demonstrates compiling a model to add
 9# two tensors together using the IPU.
12class SimpleAdder(nn.Module):
13    def forward(self, x, y):
14        return x + y
17model = SimpleAdder()
18inference_model = poptorch.inferenceModel(model)
20t1 = torch.tensor([1.])
21t2 = torch.tensor([2.])
23assert inference_model(t1, t2) == 3.0