5.4. TensorFlow 1


New features


Bug Fixes


Other improvements


Known issues


Compatibility changes



New features

  • Disallow infeeds and outfeeds where the shape contains zero-sized dimensions.

  • Handle changes to the popops::dynamicSlice API.

  • Add tensorflow.python.ipu.distributed.host_collective_ops which contains allgather, allreduce and broadcast ops. These are used by PopDistStrategy instead of collectives that use Horovod.

  • Extend the API for exporting models for tf.serving with the possibility of passing an optional pre- or post-processing function to be executed on the CPU as part of the exported model graph. This enables you to export models for TensorFlow Serving with pre- or post-processing computations executed on the server CPU.

Bug Fixes


Other improvements


Known issues

  • The program can terminate unexpectedly when providing a 0-dimensional Tensor to a tf.Dataset.

Compatibility changes

The tensorflow.python.ipu.horovod module has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

You should change your code to use PopDistStrategy from tensorflow.python.ipu.distributed.popdist_strategy.

The allgather, allreduce and broadcast functions from tensorflow.python.ipu.horovod have been copied to tensorflow.python.ipu.distributed.

IPUHorovodStrategy is also available from tensorflow.python.ipu.distributed.ipu_horovod_strategy in this release but will be removed in a future release.