5.11. Poplar


New features

  • Add a new topology configuration required for connecting IPUs using IPU-Links in a C600 system.

Bug Fixes


Other improvements


Known issues


Compatibility changes



New features

  • Added host calculateMetadataForConversion functions to find appropriate metadata to use when casting a given array of half, float or double precision data to either of the two FP8 datatypes.

    • The two FP8 datatypes are F143 and F152 where the three digits indicate the number of bits used to represent the sign, exponent and mantissa respectively.

  • Allow shared Executable pointers to be passed to the Poplar Engine.

  • Expanded the user home directory (~) for paths in POPLAR_ENGINE_OPTIONS.

Bug Fixes

  • Invalid indices used in Tensor::expand and Tensor:: squeeze now throw an exception.

  • Fix float to quarter rounding errors for extremely low exponents.

Other improvements

  • Make print tensor formatting more user friendly. This includes summarising large tensors, aligning tensor columns so that they are easier to read and printing all numbers with the same precision.

Known issues


Compatibility changes
