
#include <poplar/Engine.hpp>
namespace pva
namespace poplar

Poplar classes and functions.


using ProgressFunc = std::function<void(int, int)>


Executable compileGraph(Graph &&graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Compile the given graph and programs to make an executable that can be executed using a poplar::Engine.

Unless graph is an rvalue a copy of some graph state will be made.

  • graph – The graph to compile.

  • progs – The list of programs to run over the graph. Each program can be run separately by calling Engine::run() and passing the index, in this list, of the program to run.

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional DebugId and debug name.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Executable compileGraph(const Graph &graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})
Executable compileGraph(Graph &&graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, bool checkOptionFlags, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Compile the given graph and programs to make an executable that can be executed using a poplar::Engine, with an additional parameter to check engine options.

Unless graph is an rvalue a copy of some graph state will be made.

  • graph – The graph to compile.

  • progs – The list of programs to run over the graph. Each program can be run separately by calling Engine::run() and passing the index, in this list, of the program to run.

  • checkOptionFlags – If true, will check if opt contains runtime only options (not meaningful in this context)

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional DebugId and debug name.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Executable compileGraph(const Graph &graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, bool checkOptionFlags, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})
Module compileModule(Graph &&graph, program::Program prog, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Compile the given graph and single program to make a module.

The module cannot be executed directly using a poplar::Engine. The runtime that executes a module must be able to branch to the start of the code on each tile. A module cannot contain any data streams, and consists of a single program, so no control streams are created for selecting the program to run.

  • graph – The graph to compile.

  • progs – The program to run over the graph.

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional DebugId and debug name.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Module compileModule(const Graph &graph, program::Program prog, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})
Module compileModule(Graph &&graph, program::Program prog, const Preallocations &preallocations, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Compile the given graph and single program to make a module.

The module cannot be executed directly using a poplar::Engine. The runtime that executes a module must be able to branch to the start of the code on each tile. A module cannot contain any data streams, and consists of a single program, so no control streams are created for selecting the program to run.

  • graph – The graph to compile.

  • progs – The program to run over the graph.

  • preallocations – A data structure describing where variables external to the graph are placed.

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional DebugId and debug name.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Module compileModule(const Graph &graph, program::Program prog, const Preallocations &preallocations, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})
Executable compileGraph(Graph &&graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const Preallocations &preallocations, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Compile the given graph and programs to make an executable that can be executed using a poplar::Engine, also allowing to specify pre-allocations.

Unless graph is an rvalue a copy of some graph state will be made.

  • graph – The graph to compile.

  • progs – The list of programs to run over the graph. Each program can be run separately by calling Engine::run() and passing the index, in this list, of the program to run.

  • preallocations – A datastructure describing where variables external to the graph are placed.

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional DebugId and debug name.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Executable compileGraph(const Graph &graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const Preallocations &preallocations, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})
Executable compileGraph(Graph &&graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const Preallocations &preallocations, bool checkOptionFlags, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Compile the given graph and programs to make an executable that can be executed using a poplar::Engine, also allowing to specify pre-allocations and with an additional parameter to check engine options.

Unless graph is an rvalue a copy of some graph state will be made.

  • graph – The graph to compile.

  • progs – The list of programs to run over the graph. Each program can be run separately by calling Engine::run() and passing the index, in this list, of the program to run.

  • preallocations – A datastructure describing where variables external to the graph are placed.

  • checkOptionFlags – If true, will check if opt contains runtime only options (not meaningful in this context)

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional DebugId and debug name.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Executable compileGraph(const Graph &graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const Preallocations &preallocations, bool checkOptionFlags, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})


static const unsigned WORKER_SCRATCH_SIZE = 48

Size in bytes of the scratch space available to each worker thread.

class Engine
#include <Engine.hpp>

A graph compute engine.

The Engine class provides the ability to execute a graph program.

Engine creation options

Options can be overridden with the environment variable POPLAR_ENGINE_OPTIONS. For example:


See also: RuntimeOptions

Engine creation options: Debug

  • debug.allowOutOfMemory (true, false) [=false]

    If true, allow out-of-memory while compiling and linking. This is automatically set to true if autoReport.outputGraphProfile is set to true (direct or indirectly).

  • debug.branchRecordTile Integer [=NTILES-1]

    The tile on which to store the branch record. This has no effect unless debug.instrumentControlFlow flag is set. In a CPU target, this option has no effect. In an IPU Model, it only affects the memory profile.

  • debug.computeInstrumentationLevel (vertex, tile, ipu) [=tile]

    The granularity of compute instrumentation. This option has no effect unless debug.instrumentCompute is true.

    • vertex: Store the last cycle count of each vertex on every tile.

    • tile: Store the last cycle count of each compute set on every tile.

    • ipu: Store the last cycle count of each compute set on one tile per IPU. This saves memory compared to tile (since the cycle counts are always live and this needs to store them on only one tile), but it loses all per-tile cycle information. It works by adding a sync after each compute set and timing how long it takes to get to that sync. So, effectively, it measures the cycle time of the longest-running tile in the compute set.

  • debug.cpuMultiThreadExecution (true, false) [=true]

    If true, operations are executed using multiple host threads for a CPU or IPU Model target. Setting to false may simplify debugging at the cost of reduced performance.

  • debug.dumpDirectory String

    If set will store debug dump files in the specified directory, else in the current working directory. If it starts with a tilde ~ it will be expanded to the user’s home director.

  • debug.floatPointOpException (true, false) [=false]

    If true an invalid floating-point operation will cause an exception. You can also enable or disable invalid floating-point exception via the inv flag using the function setFloatingPointBehaviour().

  • debug.instrument (true, false) [=false]

    If true, enable all instrument options (below). This will instruct the engine to add cycle counters to the compiled program to enable the execution profile to be retrieved after the program is run. This is only available for an IPU target (not an IPU Model target). Note that the more specific instrumentation options may override the default. For example,


    will instrument everything apart from external exchange.

  • debug.instrumentCompute (true, false) [=false]

    If true, enable instrumentation of compute sets. See debug.instrument.

  • debug.instrumentExternalExchange (true, false) [=false]

    If true, enable instrumentation of external exchanges. See debug.instrument.

  • debug.instrumentControlFlow (true, false) [=false]

    If true, enable instrumentation of loops and conditionals. See debug.instrument.

  • debug.nanOverflowMode (true, false) [=false]

    If true, enable Not-a-Number (NaN) on overflow mode. When enabled, half precision calculations that have overflowed will produce a NaN result, rather than saturating to the half precision max/min value, and the invalid operation (inv) flag will be set. You can also enable or disable NaN-on-overflow mode via the nanoo flag using the function setFloatingPointBehaviour().

  • debug.outputAllSymbols (true, false) [=false]

    If true, output additional symbols to the ELF files that are not required but aid debugging.

  • debug.profilingTile Integer [=Tiles per IPU - 1]

    The tile on which to store the cycle counter for every comput set. This has no effect unless debug.computeInstrumentationLevel is set to ipu.

  • debug.retainDebugInformation (true, false) [=false]

    Enable or disable the generation and retention of debug information. This can be set to false to reduce host memory consumption if no profiling is required, or only memory profiling is required and it is requested during compilation via the Engine option autoReport.outputGraphProfile.

  • debug.runtimeVerify (true, false) [=false]

    If true, expensive verification steps are enabled at runtime.

  • debug.supervisorStackSizeInBytes Integer

    If set, the automatically computed stack size for supervisor threads will be overridden with the specified value (in bytes) for all tiles.

  • debug.trace (true, false) [=false]

    If true, a trace is printed to the error stream with the state of every edge before and after the execution of a compute set or exchange.

  • debug.traceFile String

    Only used if debug.trace is true. If set, the debug trace is output to the specified file instead of the error stream.

  • debug.verify (true, false) [=false]

    If true, expensive verification steps are enabled at compile time. The checks mostly focus on exchange code, including the following:

    • ensuring variables have been set,

    • ensuring section/instruction alignment is correct,

    • and ensuring the total number of bytes received is as expected.

    In addition, after laying out memory we verify the memory constraints on variables are satisfied.

  • debug.workerStackSizeInBytes Integer

    If set, the automatically computed stack size for worker threads will be overridden with the specified value (in bytes) for all tiles.

Engine creation options: Optimisations

  • opt.internalExchangeOptimisationTarget (balanced, cycles, memory) [=cycles]

    What balance of heuristics to use when generating exchange code. Can be used to balance exchange memory usage against speed.

    • cycles: Focus completely on speed at the expense of always-live memory

    • memory: Focus completely on minimising the memory footprint, at the expense of speed

    • balanced: Sacrifice some speed to attempt to reduce the amount of always live memory produced.

  • opt.enableMultiAccessCopies (true, false) [=true]

    Enable this option to make some of the copies faster at the expense of adding more constraints on variables used in the copies.

  • opt.limitVertexStateToLower256K (true, false) [=false]

    Enable this option to optimise the control code by allocating all of the vertex state in the first 256KB of memory. This has a disadvantage that this is the same range of memory that the code must be put in, so if the sum of the two is larger than 256KB then the model will fail to compile.

  • opt.maxCompilationThreads Integer [=0]

    The maximum number of threads to use during compilation. A value of 0 means the hardware will be fully utilised.

  • opt.maxLinkerThreads Integer [=0]

    The maximum number of threads to use during compilation. A value of 0 means the same number will be used as were used for compilation.

  • opt.useAutoloader (true, false) [=true on Mk2 IPU, false otherwise]

    If true, use the secondary loading mechanism to load the executable. This option is ignored on non-IPU targets.

Engine creation options: Target

  • target.deterministicWorkers (true, false, portable) [=true]

    Ensure that the mapping of vertices to worker threads is the same for repeated execution either on the same IPU (true), or on every IPU (portable). This guarantee does not hold following breakpoints or exceptions.

    NOTE: The option portable is deprecated and has the same functionality as setting the option to true. This option will be removed in a future version.

  • target.extendedMemory (true, false) [=false]

    When enabled, supports >16GiB for remote buffers. Only supported on IPU-M2000 systems.

  • target.gatewayWriteCombining (true, false) [=target option gatewayMode]

    Optimise write-to-host code to use IPU-Gateway write combining.

  • target.saveArchive String

    If set, the binary archive will be saved to the specified filename during graph compilation. This archive contains the ELF files for each tile. No archive will be saved unless this option is set. If it starts with a tilde ~ it will be expanded to the user’s home director.

  • target.saveOutputVertexGraph String

    If set, the output vertex graph will be saved to the specified filepath during graph compilation. If it starts with a tilde ~ it will be expanded to the user’s home director.

  • target.syncReplicasIndependently (true, false) [=false]

    Determine which of the global sync groups, GS1 or GS2, will be used for host communication. By default GS2 will be used for host communication. If target.syncReplicasIndependently is set to true, then GS1 will be used. See Sync groups in the Poplar and PopLibs User Guide for more information.

Engine creation options: Report generation

The report generation options will automatically output the Poplar reports that can be viewed in the PopVision Graph Analyser.

These options provide a basic ability to capture the reports. For more complex use cases the reports should be generated programmatically via functions in the framework (TensorFlow, PopTorch, PopART or Poplar) in which the application is written.

  • autoReport.all (true, false) [=false]

    Output all the available reports described below.

    You can exclude individual reports by combining options. For example, this will generate all reports apart from the serialized graph:


  • autoReport.directory String [=./]

    Specify which directory you want the reports to be written to. By default they will be written to the current working directory. If it starts with a tilde ~ it will be expanded to the user’s home director

  • autoReport.executionProfileProgramRunCount Integer [=2]

    Specify how many runs of each program to capture in the execution profile.

  • autoReport.outputArchive (true, false) [=false]

    Output the archive report: archive.a. This is equivalent to using the target.saveArchive option with the filename set to archive.a.

  • autoReport.outputDebugInfo (true, false) [=false]

    Output debug info: debug.json. This file gathers the data in every DebugInfo object created. Elements in the graph report with debugIds can be related to these DebugInfo objects.

  • autoReport.outputExecutionProfile (true, false) [=false]

    Output the execution profile report to profile.pop

    By default this setting will also set debug.instrument to true. If you do not want instrumentation enabled you can set autoReport.outputExecutionProfile or debug.instrument to false.

  • autoReport.outputGraphProfile (true, false) [=false]

    Output the graph profile report to profile.pop.

  • autoReport.outputLoweredVars (true, false) [=false]

    Generate lowered variables info in profile.pop.

  • autoReport.outputSerializedGraph (true, false) [=false]

    Output the serialized graph: serialized_graph.capnp.

  • autoReport.streamAtEachRun (true, false) [=true]

    Applies to profiler format V3 or higher.

    Enable or disable the streaming of the execution profile to disk at each run. If false, the whole execution will be written to disk on Engine destruction (note, some frameworks like TensorFlow may not properly destroy the Engine).

Engine creation options: Other

Engine creation options: Experimental

  • experimental.minLoweringTiles Integer [=5888]

    Minimum number of tiles lowered at a time. Zero equates to all tiles. Lower sizes reduce the peak host memory required during engine lowering but may increase the time taken. This is only a hint. Fractions of an IPU may be rounded to a convenient boundary; other options may lead to this option being ignored.

Engine runtime options:

Any OptionFlags parameters defined for RuntimeOptions construction can be used to construct an engine too. These options will be used as default. However, they can be overridden by passing a RuntimeOptions argument to the member functions that accept or defining the POPLAR_RUNTIME_OPTIONS environment variable.

Public Types

using ProgressFunc = std::function<void(int, int)>

Callback function used to to indicate engine compilation progress.

The function is passed two integers. The first is the progress value and the second is the maximum value for the progress.

If a progress callback is used, the function should not block. All calls to the callback function will be made in a single dedicated thread so blocking in the callback will block the receipt of further notifications (but will not block compilation from progressing). The callback should not use Poplar objects or functions relating to the Graph, Engine or Device that are being compiled.

Public Functions

Engine(Graph &&graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Construct the engine from a graph and a list of programs.

Unless graph is an rvalue a copy of some graph state will be made.

  • graph – The graph to compile into the engine.

  • progs – The list of programs to run over the graph. Each program can be run separately by calling the run() method of the Engine with the argument being the index of the program to run in this list.

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional Engine name and Debug Id.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Engine(const Graph &graph, ArrayRef<program::Program> progs, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})
Engine(Graph &&graph, program::Program prog, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})

Construct the engine from a graph and a program.

Unless graph is an rvalue a copy of some graph state will be made.

  • graph – The graph to compile into the engine.

  • prog – The program to run over the graph. This program is run when the run() method is called on the Engine.

  • opt – Options that can be used to control compilation and execution. The available options are listed under Engine.

  • progressCallBack – A function that will be called to indicate engine compilation progress. See Engine::ProgressFunc for more information.

  • debugContext – Optional Engine name and Debug Id.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

  • link_error – If the program linking fails; for example, due to undefined symbols or lack of memory on a tile.

Engine(const Graph &graph, program::Program prog, const OptionFlags &opt = {}, ProgressFunc progressCallBack = ProgressFunc(), const DebugContext &debugContext = {})
Engine(const Executable &exe, const OptionFlags &opt = {})

Construct the engine from a precompiled executable.

  • exe – The precompiled executable. This can be created using compileGraph().

  • opt – Options that can be used to control execution. These must be the same as the options passed to compileGraph(). The available options are listed under Engine.


invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

Engine(Engine&&) noexcept
void prepare(const Device &device)

Prepare the device for loading.

This configures the device ready for loading binary code, which is done by calling deploy().


device – The device to load onto.

void prepare(const Device &device, const RuntimeOptions &runOptions)

Prepare the device for loading.

This configures the device ready for loading binary code, which is done by calling deploy().

  • device – The device to load onto.

  • runOptions – Set of parameters to adjust runtime behaviour.

void deploy()

Load the engine.

This loads binary code. The device must have been prepared previously by calling prepare().

void load(const Device &device)

Load the compiled program/graph onto a device.

This function will load all binary code and data onto the device ready for execution. This is a shortcut to call the prepare() and deploy() functions in succession.


device – The device to load onto.

void run(unsigned prog = 0, const std::string &debugName = "")

Run the graph program.

This function will execute the graph program. Note that the program needs to have already been loaded onto a device otherwise an exception will occur.

  • prog – The index of the program to run. If this is greater than or equal to the number of programs given in the constructor then an exception is thrown.

  • debugName – Run name (for debugging/analysis).

void stop()

Stop the graph program.

This function attempts to stop a long-running well-behaved graph program asynchronously. After this call the run() will return. Only programs that execute host syncs can be stopped. The device will be left in an undefined state and no more programs can be run before the device is reset. Stream accesses may be occur before the program actually stops.

void run(unsigned prog, const std::string &debugName, const RuntimeOptions &options)

Run the graph program.

This function is similar to run(prog, debugName) and allows the user to override runtime parameters via an instance of RuntimeOptions.

  • prog – The index of the program to run. If this is greater than or equal to the number of programs given in the constructor then an exception is thrown.

  • debugName – Run name (for debugging/analysis).

  • options – Multiple parameters that alter the execution behaviour.

void loadAndRun(const Device &device, unsigned prog = 0)

Run the graph program.

This function will load the program/graph onto the device and then execute the graph program.


prog – The index of the program to run. If this is greater than or equal to the number of programs given in the constructor then an exception is thrown.

TimerTimePoint getTimeStamp()

Get a record of the current host and device time.

Details depend on the underlying device used.

void resetExecutionProfile()

Reset execution profile.

When programs are run their profiles are appended to the execution profile. This discards profiling information for previously executed programs.


Use the PVA library instead.

pva::Report getReport(bool reportExecution = true)

Get a PVA Report object that allows access to profiling data for the graph and the execution with this engine.

Subsequent Engine::run() executions may not be accessible through the returned report due to caching.


reportExecution – Enables access to the execution report (since this engine was constructed/the execution report was last reset). Otherwise, only the graph profile is available.


missing_graph_profile – If the device is not an IPU or IPU Model. It will also throw if autoReport.outputGraphProfile and debug.retainDebugInformation are both false.


A PVA Report object (declared in libpva <pva/pva.hpp>).

void disableExecutionProfiling()

Pause execution profiling.

Subsequent Engine::run() calls are executed without being profiled until a subsequent call to enableExecutionProfiling().

For example, you can exclude individual programs from a profile like this:


void enableExecutionProfiling()

Enable execution profiling.

Subsequent Engine::run() calls are profiled when executed.

void printProfileSummary(std::ostream &outputStream, const OptionFlags &opt = {})

Get and print the summary of a report with the given options.

This is equivalent to getting and printing the summary of both the graph and execution reports using poplar::printProfileSummary().

  • outputStream – A stream to write the summary to.

  • opt

    A set of option flags to configure the contents of the report. All can be “true” or “false”. The default is “false”.

    The available options are:

    • colours: Control the use of colours in the summary output

    • showVarStorage: Show liveness information for each program

    • showOptimizations: Show compile optimisation details

    • showExecutionSteps: Show the execution steps

    • showPerIpuMemoryUsage: Show memory usage for each IPU

  • profiling_disabled – If the device is not an IPU or IPU Model.

  • invalid_option – If any of the options passed in opt were not recognised or improperly formatted.

void reportIntervals(std::ostream &outputStream)

Write a CSV data file to a specified output stream.

The data files contain the number of tiles active over time in cycles for compute, synchronisation and exchange phases.

Each row contains the following entries:

  • begin time in cycles

  • end time in cycles

  • number of tiles participating in compute

  • number of tiles participating in exchange

  • number of tiles participating in synchronisation

Because tiles execute a number of threads (up to 6) in parallel, a single “thread cycle” may only be executed every 6 tile clock cycles. The cycles reported by this function are tile clock cycles rather than thread cycles.


outputStream – An output stream for the CSV data to be written to.


profiling_disabled – If the device has no profiling enabled.

void readTensor(StringRef handle, void *buf, void *bufEnd)

Synchronous copy of a buffer of non-Quarter type data from a specific tensor in the device into a host-side buffer.

The tensor must have been marked as an output tensor. The buffer must have room for all of the tensor data. The buffer end address is required for size verification. The handle should match the one passed to Graph::createHostRead().


For all types except Half and Quarter use Engine::readTensor(StringRef,gccs::ArrayRef<T>) instead.

  • handle – The source host copy handle.

  • buf – The destination of the read.

  • bufEnd – The end address of destination buffer.

void readTensor(StringRef handle, QuarterMetadata &metadata, void *buf, void *bufEnd)

Synchronous copy of a buffer of Quarter type data from a specific tensor in the device into a host-side buffer.

The tensor must have been marked as an output tensor. The buffer must have room for all of the tensor data. The buffer end address is required for size verification. The handle should match the one passed to Graph::createHostRead().

  • handle – The source host copy handle.

  • metadata – The host side variable to which metadata on the device is to be copied.

  • buf – The destination of the read.

  • bufEnd – The end address of destination buffer.

template<class T>
inline void readTensor(StringRef handle, gccs::ArrayRef<T> buffer)

Synchronous copy of a buffer of non-Quarter type data from a specific tensor in the device into a host-side buffer.

The tensor must have been marked as an output tensor. The buffer must have room for all of the tensor data. The handle should match the one passed to Graph::createHostRead().

  • handle – The source host copy handle.

  • buffer – A view of the circular buffer.

void writeTensor(StringRef handle, const void *buf, const void *bufEnd)

Synchronous copy of a buffer of non-Quarter type data from the host to a specific tensor in the device.

The tensor must have been marked as an input tensor. The buffer end address is required for size verification. The handle should match the one passed to Graph::createHostWrite().


For all types except Half and Quarter use Engine::writeTensor(StringRef,gccs::ArrayRef<T>) instead.

  • handle – The destination host copy handle.

  • buf – The source of the write.

  • bufEnd – The end address of source buffer.

void writeTensor(StringRef handle, const QuarterMetadata &metadata, const void *buf, const void *bufEnd)

Synchronous copy of a buffer of Quarter type data from the host to a specific tensor in the device.

The tensor must have been marked as an input tensor. The buffer end address is required for size verification. The handle should match the one passed to Graph::createHostWrite().

  • handle – The destination host copy handle.

  • metadata – The host side variable from which metadata is to be copied to the device.

  • buf – The source of the write.

  • bufEnd – The end address of source buffer.

template<class T>
inline void writeTensor(StringRef handle, ArrayRef<T> buffer)

Synchronous copy of a buffer of non-Quarter type data from the host to a specific tensor in the device.

The tensor must have been marked as an input tensor. The handle should match the one passed to Graph::createHostWrite().

  • handle – The destination host copy handle.

  • buffer – A view of the circular buffer.

void connectStream(StringRef handle, void *begin, void *end)

Connect a stream of non-Quarter to a circular buffer in memory.

Each time data is copied to/from the stream the pointer for the next transfer is incremented within the bounds given.


Use Engine::connectStream(StringRef,gccs::ArrayRef<T>) instead.

  • handle – The name of the stream to connect to.

  • begin – Pointer to the start of the circular buffer.

  • end – Pointer to the end of the circular buffer.

void connectStream(StringRef handle, const gccs::ArrayRef<QuarterMetadata> &metadata, void *begin, void *end)

Connect a stream of type Quarter to a circular buffer in memory.

Each time data is copied to/from the stream the pointer for the next transfer is incremented within the bounds of the buffer.

  • handle – The destination host copy handle.

  • metadata – Array reference to host side variables per replica from or to which to copy metadata on the device. If the copy is from the device to the host the variable will be overwritten.

  • begin – Pointer to the start of the circular buffer.

  • end – Pointer to the end of the circular buffer.

template<class T>
inline void connectStream(StringRef handle, const gccs::ArrayRef<T> &buffer)

Connect a stream of non-Quarter type to a circular buffer in memory.

Each time data is copied to/from the stream the pointer for the next transfer is incremented within the bounds of the buffer.

  • handle – The destination host copy handle.

  • buffer – A view of the circular buffer.

void connectStream(StringRef handle, void *p)

Connect a stream of non-Quarter type to a fixed location in memory.

Each time data is copied to/from the stream this location will be read/written.


Use Engine::connectStream(StringRef,gccs::ArrayRef<T>) instead.

  • handle – The name of the stream to connect to.

  • p – The pointer to the memory buffer.

void connectStreamToCallback(StringRef handle, StreamCallbackHandle f)

Connect a stream to a callback taking a pointer to the location in memory to copy into/from.

This will be called whenever the stream will be read or was written by the device. The given memory location will only be valid to read from or write to for the duration of the callback.

  • handle – The name of the stream to connect to.

  • f – Callback to be called whenever the stream is to be read or was written by the device.

void connectStreamToCallback(StringRef handle, unsigned index, StreamCallbackHandle f)

Connect a replicated stream to a callback taking a pointer to the location in memory to copy into/from.

This will be called whenever the stream will be read or was written by the device. The given memory location will only be valid to read from or write to for the duration of the callback.

  • handle – The name of the stream to connect to.

  • index – The replicated index to connect to.

  • f – Callback to be called whenever the stream is to be read or was written by the device.

void connectHostFunction(StringRef handle, unsigned index, HostCallbackHandle f)

Connect a HostFunction to a callback.

The callback takes two arguments, which point to the locations in memory for each of the function’s input and output arguments, respectively. During a host function call, first the device transfers the input data to the host, then the callback is invoked, and finally the output data is copied back to the device. The given memory pointed by the callback arguments must only be accessed during the duration of the callback.

  • handle – The name of the host function.

  • index – The replicated index to connect to.

  • fFunction to be called whenever new input data is available

void copyFromRemoteBuffer(StringRef handle, void *w, uint64_t repeatIndex, unsigned replicationIndex = 0)

Copy from a remote buffer to a user buffer w.


Use Engine::copyFromRemoteBuffer(StringRef,gccs::ArrayRef<T>,unsigned,unsigned) instead.

  • handle – The name of the remote buffer to copy from.

  • w – The user buffer to copy to.

  • repeatIndex – The index in the remote buffer to copy from.

  • replicationIndex – The replicated graph index.

template<class T>
inline void copyFromRemoteBuffer(StringRef handle, gccs::ArrayRef<T> buffer, uint64_t repeatIndex, unsigned replicationIndex = 0)
void copyToRemoteBuffer(void *w, StringRef handle, uint64_t repeatIndex, unsigned replicationIndex = 0)

Copy to a remote buffer from a user buffer w.


Use Engine::copyToRemoteBuffer(gccs::ArrayRef<T>,StringRef,unsigned,unsigned) instead.

  • w – The user buffer to copy from.

  • handle – The remote buffer to copy to.

  • repeatIndex – The index in the remote buffer to copy to.

  • replicationIndex – The replicated graph index.

template<class T>
inline void copyToRemoteBuffer(ArrayRef<T> buffer, StringRef handle, uint64_t repeatIndex, unsigned replicationIndex = 0)
std::vector<std::string> listStreams() const

Return a list of all streams in the engine.


Vector of strings, each of which is a stream’s handle postfixed with ‘+’ or ‘-’ indicating whether the stream is a host-write or a host-read respectively.

void setPrintStream(std::ostream &stream)

Set output stream for printf commands.


stream – The output stream to use.

void setPrintTensorStream(std::ostream &stream)

Set the output stream for PrintTensor programs.

By default, tensors are printed to stderr.


stream – The output stream to use.

OptionFlags getEngineOptions() const

Returns the options the engine was created with.

void serializeExecutable(std::ostream &out) const

Serialize the executable used by the engine.

void insertSimulatedError(ErrorCode error, ErrorLocation const &location)

Simulate an error.

This function causes the program to generate an error when it gets to the specified location. This can be useful for failure testing.

This function must be called after Engine::load() and before Engine::run().

You can simulate many errors at the same time, provided each error is simulated at a unique location. However, only a subset of the errors may be reported because the execution of the program will stop as soon as any one of the errors is detected.

Example usage:

const unsigned tile = 0;
const poplar::ErrorCode error = poplar::ErrorCode::IPUSOFTERR;
const std::vector<poplar::ErrorLocation> locations =
    engine.getSimulatedErrorLocations("MyComputeVertex", tile);

engine.insertSimulatedError(error, locations[0]);
try {
} catch (poplar::runtime_error const& exception) {
  assert(exception.errors.size() == 1);
  assert(exception.errors[0].code == error);
  assert(exception.errors[0].location == location);
  std::cerr << "ErrorCode: " << exception.what() << '\n';
  • error – The type of error to simulate. See poplar::ErrorCode for a list of possible errors to simulate.

  • location – Where to simulate the error. The location of an error must be unique from other simulated errors. See Engine::getSimulatedErrorLocations for how to specify an error location based on some program information.

void eraseSimulatedError(ErrorLocation const &location)

Undo the effects of Engine::insertSimulatedError();.


location – Any one of the locations passed to Engine::insertSimulatedError().


poplar::poplar_error – If there is no simulated error at location.

void clearSimulatedErrors()

Undo the effects of all Engine::insertSimulatedError() calls.

To remove the effects of the simulated errors and run the program from the beginning again you can call Engine::load() after clearing the simulated errors:

engine.run(); // won't hit any simulated errors.
std::vector<ErrorLocation> getSimulatedErrorLocations(unsigned programId, unsigned tile = ~0) const

Return the locations of a program from a program ID.

It’s possible a program exists on multiple tiles so tile can be used to disambiguate the tile on which the error should occur. If tile is not specified then a location will be returned for each tile the program exists on.


If programId specifies a poplar::Vertex then this will return the location of the launch routine for the poplar::Vertex and not the location of the code that comprises the poplar::Vertex. Use the vertexName overload of this function to specify an error inside a poplar::Vertex.

  • programId – The program id of the program. This can be looked up in the Graph Analyser tool (look for the “Id” field under “Details” in the “Program Tree” tab).

  • tile – The tile in the device. For devices containing multiple IPUs the range of valid tiles is [0, numIpus * numTilesPerIpu).


An object that uniquely identifies the location of the error within the device. An ErrorLocation is only valid for the program for which it is generated.

std::vector<ErrorLocation> getSimulatedErrorLocations(StringRef vertexName, unsigned tile = ~0) const

Return the locations of a program from a vertex name.

Similar to Engine::getSimulatedErrorLocations(tile, programId) but look-up the error locations using the name of a Vertex.


The locations of the vertex code. Any error simulated at these locations may be executed by any worker thread on the tiles.

inline const core::Engine &getImpl() const

Public Static Functions

static std::string reportTiming(const TimerTimePoint &start, const TimerTimePoint &end)

Get a timing report for the measured interval.

Details depend on the underlying device used.

  • start – Start time of report

  • end – End time of report

Private Functions

void connectStream(StringRef handle, const Type *type, const gccs::ArrayRef<QuarterMetadata> &metadatas, bool readOnly, void *begin, void *end)
void copyTensor(StringRef handle, const Type &type, bool read, void *begin, void *end)
void copyTensor(StringRef handle, const Type &type, QuarterMetadata *metadata, bool read, void *begin, void *end)
void readTensor(StringRef handle, void *metadata, void *buf, void *bufEnd)
void writeTensor(StringRef handle, void *metadata, const void *buf, const void *bufEnd)
void copyRemoteBuffer(StringRef handle, unsigned repeatIndex, unsigned replicationIndex, const Type *type, bool read, void *begin, size_t numElements)

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<core::Engine> impl
class TimerTimePoint
#include <Engine.hpp>

PImpl interface to core timing information.

The constructor is private. Obtain an object by calling getTimeStamp().

Public Functions

TimerTimePoint() = default

Private Functions

explicit TimerTimePoint(Engine &e)

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<core::TimerTimePoint> impl


friend class Engine
namespace core