6. Application preferences

Click on Preferences from the application’s main menu to open the Preferences dialog.

6.1. Colour theme

The PopVision® tools support light and dark colour themes. There are three options:

  • Auto: This is the default setting, and allows the application to follow your machine’s system-wide theme setting for light or dark mode.

  • Light: This forces the application into light mode, irrespective of your machine’s theme settings.

  • Dark: This forces the application into dark mode, irrespective of your machine’s theme settings.

6.2. SSH preferences

You can store your SSH preferences in the Preferences dialog to allow authorisation when opening reports on remote machines.

  • SSH private key path: Enter the file path of your machine’s private SSH key. This filepath will be used to authenticate you on remote machines during the connection process. The default path is ~/.ssh/id_rsa/.

  • SSH agent mode: This dropdown-list allows you to choose whether you want to specify an SSH agent socket path, and, if so, how you want to do so:

    • Disabled: Do not use an SSH agent socket.

    • Manually specify: Enter file path to the SSH agent socket in the field that appears below this option.

    • Automatically obtain from environment: Obtain the SSH agent path from an environment variable.

6.3. Scroll behaviour

Use this preference to set the default behaviour for your mouse’s scroll wheel (or using two-finger drag on on a laptop trackpad). You can choose either:

  • Scroll by default: The mouse wheel will scroll the window content up and down. Holding down the Ctrl/Command key while using the scroll wheel then zooms the window content in and out.

  • Zoom by default: The mouse wheel zooms the window content in and out. Holding down the Ctrl/Command key while using the scroll wheel then scrolls the window content up and down.

6.4. Experimental features

Each version of the System Analyser contains some experimental features that are hidden by default. These features are not fully release-capable, and will have limited support and may change or be removed in future. You can enable these features if you wish.

6.5. Send telementry

When you first install the System Analyser, you will be asked for your consent for Graphcore to collect telemetry information that helps Graphcore improve the application and monitor performance. Your response to this dialog is stored in your preferences, and you can turn telemetry on or off with this option.

You can read more about the data we collect in the Graphcore Privacy Policy.

6.6. Check for updates

You can choose for the the System Analyser to periodically check for updates. If enabled, and a newer version is detected, a pop-up notification appears, prompting you to download and install it. You can choose to download and install immediately, or have the application prompt you again later. All your preferences will be transferred to the new version.

If you’ve previously delayed the update, you can manually check again at any time by selecting Check For Updates… from the application’s main menu.

Sometimes, network issues may cause a download to take too long to finish, in which case a dialog is diaplayed that allows you to cancel the current download, and retry later.