5. Next steps

Lean more about the PopVision tools and download them from the PopVision Tools web page.

5.1. Documentation

The following documents contain more information:

5.2. Tutorials

You can run the following tutorials for some hands-on experience of profiling and debugging using the PopVision Tools:

  • Profiling code for the IPU which uses libpva to extract profiling information and the PopVision Graph Analyser to visualise the profiling reports.

  • Lightweight profiling which shows how to reduce the level of detail in the Poplar profiling report or only profile specific parts of your model. This tutorial also uses the C++ API of libpva.

  • Accessing profiling information which uses libpva to access and analyse profiles from the IPU execution.

  • Instrumenting applications which uses the PopVision System Analyser and the libpvti Python module.

5.3. Support

  • When looking for answers or asking questions on StackOverflow, use the tag “ipu”.

  • You can request support on the Graphcore Support portal by clicking on the Submit a ticket link.

  • For general help, discussions and announcements, please join our Graphcore Slack Community.