1. About this document


You can view a built version of this template on the docs portal. The source files are stored in the rTECHDOCS repo.

This document serves as a template, example and tutorial for the use of ReStructuredText (RST) markup for creating Graphcore documentation.

You might also want to look at our documentation guidelines on Confluence.

2. Headings and text

2.1. Headings

Headings have the following formatting:

Heading level 1

Heading level 2

Heading level 3

Heading level 4

We nest headings only up to level 4.

You must have a blank line after headings. The heading underline must be at least as long as the heading text (it can be longer).

We use sentence case in headings. This means only the first letter is capitalised.


We use title case in the document title. This means that all “important” words are capitalised.

2.2. Text

A single paragraph can be split over adjacent lines. Use blank lines to separate paragraphs.

Another paragraph.

The following code block shows the formatting syntax:

This is **bold text**, this is *italic text*, this is ``code font`` and this is :strike:`struck through`.
(To support people used to Markdown, we have configured
`code` to be the same as ``code``.)

which renders as:

This is bold text, this is italic text, this is code font and this is struck through. To support people used to Markdown, we have configured code to be the same as code.

3. Lists

You get bulleted, numbered and definition lists in reStructuredText.

3.1. Bulleted lists

Insert bullet lists with - or with *. There is no difference between these (but do try to be consistent). However, you cannot mix them in the same list.

For example:

  • Make sure there is a blank line before the first item.

  • Make sure that multi-line items maintain the same indentation.

    You can have multiple paragraphs in the bullet.

    Like this.

  • Make sure there is a blank line after the last item.

Multi-level lists can be created using indentation:

  • Make sure there is a blank line before the first item.

    • Make sure there is a blank line before the first item of the indented list

    • And a blank line after the last item.

  • Make sure there is a blank line after the last item.

Depending on how you indent your text, you can get different formatting:

* Bullet 1
  Continuation text

* Bullet 2

  Continuation text

* Bullet 3

    Continuation text

* Bullet 4
    Continuation text

renders as:

  • Bullet 1 Continuation text

  • Bullet 2

    Continuation text

  • Bullet 3

    Continuation text

  • Bullet 4

    Continuation text

3.2. Numbered lists

Numbered lists can use either numbers:

  1. Item 1

  2. Item 2

  3. Item 3

Or the hash symbol (so you don’t have to keep track of numbers when editing the list):

  1. Item 1

  2. Item 2

  3. Item 3


reStructuredText is sensitive to indentation so if your numbered list doesn’t continue correctly, or you see odd formatting, check your indentation.

3.3. Definition list

You can create definition lists, just using indentation. Note that, in this case, there must be no blank line between the term and the definition.

    A fruit.

    An incomparable fruit.

    These are not the only fruit.

    The yellow one.

renders as:


A fruit.


An incomparable fruit.

These are not the only fruit.


The yellow one.

4. Substitutions

A substitution in Sphinx is a way of reusing content (for example text and figures). You define a substitution as:

.. |name| replace:: replacement *text*

Refer to the Sphinx substitutions documentation for more information.

4.1. Standard Sphinx substitutions

Sphinx defines some standard shortcut “substitutions”:

  • |release| is converted to the release string: latest

  • |version| is converted to the version number: latest

  • |today| is converted to the date the document was generated: Oct 26, 2023

4.2. Graphcore substitutions

We also define some extra substitutions.

There are a series of |BOW| and |POD| definitions for writing Pod product names, for example IPU‑POD16 or Bow Pod64. These will be expanded to the full name (IPU-POD16 or Bow Pod64) with non-breaking space/hyphen and subscripted numbers. Definitions exist for all plausible sizes (from 4 up to 2^13).

We also have the following substitutions:

  • |LEGAL:TRADEMARKS| is converted to the legal text. This is to ensure that all documents use the latest, correct version of this text.

  • |LEGAL:EULA| is converted to the EULA text. This is to ensure that all documents use the latest, correct version of this text.

  • |YEAR| is converted to the current year. This convenient for documents which change often.

You can use |newpage| to force a page break in PDF output.

4.3. Substitutions for symbols

Sphinx includes substitution definitions for a range of character entity sets.

You must include the relevant .txt file at the top of the file in which the substitution is needed (it doesn’t work if it’s included in index.rst). Include the file using the following syntax:

.. include:: <filename.txt>

For example we have included the following at the top of this file:

.. include:: <isonum.txt>

then we can use the following substitutions:

* 50\ |deg|\ C
* |copy| 2022
* |trade|

which renders as:

  • 50°C

  • © 2022


Substitutions usually require spaces around the | symbols. If you don’t want a space, escape the space with a backslash as shown in the first example above.

5. Including content from files

You can include content (for example text, figures, tables) from other files. This can be in reStructuredText or in Markdown.

To include content in reStructuredText:

Listing 5.1 Including reStructuredText content
.. include:: common/filename.inc

For example, the following table has been included with:

.. include:: common/tf_supported_ops_list_rst.inc


Type Constraint







To include content in Markdown:

Listing 5.2 Including Markdown content
.. include:: common/filename.md
 :parser: myst_parser.sphinx_

For example, the following table has been included with:

.. include:: common/tf_supported_ops_list.md
  :parser: myst_parser.sphinx_


Type Constraint







7. Figures and tables

This is a reference to a figure: Fig. 7.1.


Fig. 7.1 This is a figure caption. It must be indented to the same level as the figure parameters.

You can use Graphviz to create graphs, for example Fig. 7.2. There is also a handy quick reference.

digraph {
    a -> b[label="0.2",weight="0.2"];
    a -> c[label="",weight="0.4"];
    c -> a[label="",weight="0.4"];
    c -> b[label="0.6",weight="0.6"];
    c -> e[label="0.6",weight="0.6"];
    e -> e[label="0.1",weight="0.1",color=red,];
    e -> b[label="0.7",weight="0.7"];
    b [color=blue,shape=box, label="Reset"];
    e [label="Wait"];
    a [label="Tick"];
    c [label="Tock"];

Fig. 7.2 A graph

This is a reference to a table :numref:`tab-name which renders as Table 7.1.

.. table:: This is a table caption. It must appear on a single line in the file.
  :width: 80%
  :widths: 40,20,20,20
  :name: tab-name
  :column-alignment: left left

  | Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3 | Header 4 |
  | (header rows optional) |            |          |          |
  | body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |
  | body row 2             | Cells may span columns.          |
  | body row 3             | Cells may  | - Table cells       |
  +------------------------+ span rows. | - contain           |
  | .. code-block:: python |            | - body elements.    |
  |                        |            |                     |
  |   for i in rows:       |            |                     |
  |     print(i)           |            |                     |

which renders as the following table.

Table 7.1 This is a table caption. It must appear on a single line in the file.

Header row, column 1 (header rows optional)

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

body row 1, column 1

column 2

column 3

column 4

body row 2

Cells may span columns.

body row 3

Cells may span rows.

  • Table cells

  • contain

  • body elements.

for i in rows:

Simple tables can use the list-table directive.

Good for

simple tables


this shows row headings with the stub-columns option.

We use the Sphinx extension cloud_sptheme.ext.table_styling to style tables.

There is also the heatmap class that colours the cells of a table as a heatmap of values as shown in Table 7.2.

To use the heatmap class:

  .. table:: Specify the ``heatmap`` class.
    :class: heatmap
    ... include other table options ...

  ... include table content ...

.. raw:: html


which renders as:

Table 7.2 Example of applying the heatmap class to a table.





















To use the heatmap class:

8. Code listings

Add code listings with the code-block directive. Refer to a listing as Listing 8.1. Make sure that there is a blank line between the “header” information in the code block and the code itself.

Listing 8.1 Caption for this code listing
from tensorflow.python import ipu

You can also include code from a file as in Listing 8.2. In this case, you can also specify a subset of the code to be included, either as a range of line numbers or using pattern matching as in this example.

Listing 8.2 Example of using literalinclude to include code from a file
15with main:
16    a = pir.variable(3, dtype=pir.int8, name="variable_a")
17    b = pir.constant(1, dtype=pir.int8, name="constant_b")
19    # addition
20    o = a + b

It is good practice to provide the option to download the source file. Obviously, this only makes sense with HTML output (not PDF).

.. only:: html



9. Other markup and extensions

9.1. Maths

There is formatting for in-line equations with :math: and an environment .. math::. For example:

Time is running out: :math:`T = 2 \pi \sqrt \frac{L}{g}`.

Gravity doesn't suck, it just bends everything around you:

.. math::

    R_{\mu \nu} - \tfrac{1}{2}R \, g_{\mu \nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu} = \frac{8 \pi G }{c^4} T_{\mu \nu}

renders as:

Time is running out: \(T = 2 \pi \sqrt \frac{L}{g}\).

Gravity doesn’t suck, it just bends everything around you:

\[R_{\mu \nu} - \tfrac{1}{2}R \, g_{\mu \nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu} = \frac{8 \pi G }{c^4} T_{\mu \nu}\]

9.2. Tabs

We can include tabs with the sphinx-tabs extension. For more information, refer to the Sphinx Tabs documentation.

int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
    return 0;
.. tabs::

  .. code-tab:: c

        int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
            return 0;

  .. code-tab:: c++

        int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
            return 0;

  .. code-tab:: py

        def main():

  .. code-tab:: java

        class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args) {

  .. code-tab:: julia

        function main()

  .. code-tab:: fortran

        PROGRAM main
        END PROGRAM main

  .. code-tab:: r R

        main <- function() {

9.3. Collapsible sections

You can include collapsible sections in your document. We use the collapsible extension and for more information, refer to the collapse documentation.

New to IPUs?

We suggest watching the Fundamentals of the IPU and Poplar video, which introduces the IPU architecture and programming model. You can also read the IPU Programmer’s Guide for more details on these topics.

New to Paperspace or Gradient?

Watch the videos on the Paperspace YouTube channel to learn more about Paperspace and Gradient.

.. collapse:: New to IPUs?
  :name: new-to-ipus

  We suggest watching the `Fundamentals of the IPU and Poplar <https://share.vidyard.com/watch/skdBqUfyHfFt4jx1WhUxeC?>`_ video, which introduces the IPU architecture and programming model. You can also read the :doc:`ipu-programmers-guide:index` for more details on these topics.

.. collapse:: New to Paperspace or Gradient?
    :name: new-to-gradient

    Watch the videos on the `Paperspace YouTube channel <https://youtu.be/b9pnSHP0eIs>`_ to learn more about Paperspace and Gradient.

9.4. Describing grammars

try_stmt  ::=  try1_stmt | try2_stmt
try1_stmt ::=  "try" ":" suite
               ("except" [expression ["," target]] ":" suite)+
               ["else" ":" suite]
               ["finally" ":" suite]
try2_stmt ::=  "try" ":" suite
               "finally" ":" suite

See the try_stmt definition.

9.5. Bibliographies

If you create a file called refs.bib then you can use the bibtex extension to create bibliography references.

10. Documenting APIs

Sphinx provides extensive support for documenting APIs. There are two parts to this:

  • Documenting the functions, class and so on in the API (see Section 14, Example API documentation)

  • Providing references to those components of the API from the documentation, as shown below


An “API” is the complete set of classes, functions and other definitions that make up the interface to an application or library, not the individual functions or classes within it.

See our API documentation guidelines.

10.1. C++ APIs

C++ APIs are documented in the header files using Doxygen formatted comments. These are integrated into Sphinx by the breathe extension.

You can add extra formatting and links in the Doxygen comments using Markdown format.

Doxygen requires a configuration file called Doxyfile. Among other things, this specifies the location of the header files and that XML output is required. In most cases this is built or configured by the cmake file for the project.

You can generate links to classes and functions included in the API documentation: the Nutshell contains methods Nutshell::crack() and the Tool enumeration.

10.2. Python APIs

Python APIs are documented by using Python docstrings. You can include ReStucturedText formatting in the docstrings.

Three formats for describing parameters and return values are supported, as shown in the examples below: Python, Google and NumPy. These all generate identical output. Our code seems to use a mixture of these.

You can generate links to components in the API documentation. For example, the example.Example class contains a method called example() which is very similar to the example() function.

Note that methods and functions are referenced differently.

10.2.1. Python

A brief example of the original Python format.

def func1(param1, param2):
    """Summary line.

    Extended description of function.

    :param param1: The first parameter.
    :type param1: int
    :param param2: The second parameter.
    :type param2: str
    :returns: The return value. True for success, False otherwise.
    :rtype: bool
    return True

10.2.2. Google

A brief example of the format recommended by Google.

def func2(param1, param2):
    """Summary line.

    Extended description of function.

        param1 (int): Description of param1.
        param2 (str): Description of param2.

        bool: Description of return value.  True for success, False otherwise.

    return True

10.2.3. NumPy

A brief example of the NumPy format.

def func3(param1, param2):
    """Summary line.

    Extended description of function.

    param1 : int
        Description of param1.
    param2 : str
        Description of param2.

        Description of return value.  True for success, False otherwise.

    return True

11. Debugging

  • Check the errors/warnings from Sphinx

  • Undefined label error:

    • check the target is defined

    • check there is a blank line between a .. _label: and the following heading

    • check indentation. ReStructuredText is very fussy about indentation!

    • check that the target has a number (for :numref:) or a title/caption (for :ref:)

  • If a code block doesn’t appear:

    • check that all the parameters (for example, :name:) are correct

    • check that there is a blank line before the code part

  • Strange formatting in lists:

    • check that there are blank lines before and after the list, including any sub-lists (otherwise you may have created a Definition list)

    • check that the indentation of continuation lines is the same as the text on the first line

12. Glossaries

12.1. Inserting a glossary

To make it easier for your reader, you can insert a glossary of the terms that the user may be unfamiliar with in your document. In this case, you should also reference the A Dictionary of Graphcore Terminology.

To insert a glossary, use the reStructuredText .. glossary:: directive, for example the following inserts a sorted glossary:

.. glossary::

    Separate your text into sections. Each section should have a meaningful, but short heading. Headings use sentence case.

  Simple table
    There are two types of tables in reStructuredText. A table needs a caption if you wish to reference it.

  Code block
    Use the ``..code-block::`` directive to insert a code block.

12.1.1. Example of how a glossary should look

The following is a list of terms that are used in this document. For a full list of Graphcore terminology, refer to the A Dictionary of Graphcore Terminology.

Code block

Use the ..code-block:: directive to insert a code block.


Separate your text into sections. Each section should have a meaningful, but short heading. Headings use sentence case.

Simple table

There are two types of tables in reStructuredText. A table needs a caption if you wish to reference it.

12.2. Linking to terms in the glossary

You can reference the terms in a glossary irrespective of which document it appears in.

12.2.1. In the same document

To reference a term in a glossary from the same document use:

:term:`term with the case as you want it to appear in your text including spaces`
:term:`displayed text if different from term <term>`

For example:

* :term:`code block`
* :term:`Table`
* :term:`heading <headings>`

which renders as follows:

12.2.2. In another document

To reference a term in a glossary from another document use the Intersphinx short names for the documents as:

:external+intersphinx-document-short-name:term:`optional displayed text <term>`

For example:

* :external+popart-user-guide:term:`micro-batch size`
* :external+glossary:term:`Streaming Memory`
* :external+glossary:term:`micro batch size`
* :external+glossary:term:`Micro Batch Size`

which renders as follows: