6. Clusters

6.1. Overview

A typical data centre V-IPU deployment needs to manage many IPUs that are distributed among multiple IPU-Machines located in one or more Pod racks. To accommodate flexible scaled-out cluster installations and achieve separation of concerns for administrative as well as user needs, V-IPU implements the different Cluster entities and Cluster topologies that are described in this chapter.

6.2. Cluster entities

A cluster entity represents a logical group of non-overlapping hardware resources that are controlled by a V-IPU controller. Cluster entities are hierarchical, requiring certain system components (mainly hardware) or other entities to be in place.

Three main cluster entities exist, as shown in Fig. 6.1 and explained in the rest of this section: agent, cluster and partition.


Fig. 6.1 Conceptual representation of agent, cluster and partition entities

6.2.1. Agent entity

The agent entity represents a V-IPU agent. There is a one-to-one mapping of agents to IPU-Machines.

To create an agent entity, you need to specify a unique agent identifier, as well as the hostname (or IP address) and port number of the gateway management interface that the agent listens to. These addresses will have been assigned when the Pod was configured.

You can create an agent entity using the create agent command. For example, the following command creates an agent entity with the identifier “ag1” and listening to

$ vipu-admin create agent ag1 --host --port 8080
create agent (ag1): success.

Agent auto-discovery

The V-IPU software has an auto-discovery option for finding agents. This is only available if it has been explicitly enabled using the --autodiscovery-listen-interfaces (-a) option to the V-IPU controller (see Section 10.1, Global options).

To list all the agents that are discovered, use the command:

$ vipu-admin discover agent
Host        | Port | Network Interface | Time Since Last Seen | Agent Auto-Add ID
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    | 8081 | eno3              | 2.154768458s         |    | 8080 | eno3              | 4.741639744s         |

You can also use the command to automatically add the agents that are discovered:

$ vipu-admin discover agents --auto-add
Added agent
Added agent

This will add all those agents as elements in the controller. The auto-generated agent names are of the form “IP-port”. For example, if an agent is discovered at, the auto-generated agent ID will be “”.

The agents multicast their presence every 5 seconds. If you start the controller with vipu-server -a eth0,eth1 the controller will listen for these multicast messages on the eth0 and eth1 network interfaces.

6.2.2. Clusters

The cluster entity groups a set of agents and forms an isolated logical cluster. Therefore, a minimum of one agent entity is required to create a cluster entity.

A cluster is the foundation for managing a set of IPU-Machines and verifying deployment correctness (see Section 6.4, Cluster tests) before making them available to end-users for running applications.

To create a cluster, you need to specify a unique cluster identifier, as well as a list of agent identifiers. You must list these in the order that reflects the physical network topology.

Since a cluster spans multiple agents, the V-IPU controller needs to be aware of the expected physical network topology: how the different IPU-Machine ports (sync ports, cluster ports and IPU gateway ports) are connected to other IPU-Machines (see Section 6.3, Cluster topologies for supported cluster topologies).

As illustrated in Fig. 6.1, a V-IPU controller can control one or more independent clusters. However, note that an agent can only participate in one cluster.

Assuming there are four agents with agent identifiers “ag1”, “ag2”, “ag3”, and “ag4”, you can create a cluster using the create-cluster command as shown:

$ vipu-admin create cluster cl0 --agents ag1,ag2,ag3,ag4
create cluster (cl0): success.


When creating a cluster, the agents must correspond to IPU-Machines that are physically consecutive in the rack. They must be specified in order, starting from the one lowest in the rack.

For a complete reference to the create cluster command please refer to Section 9, Admin command line reference.

6.2.3. Allocation

An allocation entity makes IPU-Machines available to create partitions. Therefore, a cluster must have at least one allocation in order to create partitions in it. The IPU-Machines in an allocation must come from a single cluster. Each IPU-Machine can only be assigned to one allocation.

To create an allocation in a cluster, you need to specify a unique allocation identifier, as well as the cluster identifier and the size of the allocation.


When creating an allocation in a cluster, the V-IPU controller allocates IPU-Machines that are physically consecutive in the rack.

For a complete reference to the create allocation command please refer to Section 9, Admin command line reference.

6.2.4. Partition

The partition entity provides a set of available IPUs from an allocation in a cluster. It is the top level entity that end users request, in order to run an application on IPUs.

An allocation is required in order to create partition entities. Partitions are discussed in detail in the Virtual-IPU User Guide.

6.3. Cluster topologies

A V-IPU cluster topology represents the arrangement of the IPUs and network links (IPU-Links, GW-Links, and Sync-Links). Clusters are of two main types:

  • Single-ILD clusters: IPUs in single-ILD clusters are connected using IPU-Links arranged in a particular topology.

    The synchronisation network formed by the Sync-Links is also contained within the ILD.

  • Multi-ILD clusters: A multi-ILD cluster, as the name suggests, consists of multiple domains.

    A multi-ILD cluster topology is created by the GW-Links between the constituent domains. The IPUs in each ILD are connected according to the IPU-Link topology as with a single ILD cluster.

    The synchronisation network spanning multiple domains uses the GW-Links.

6.4. Cluster tests

The V-IPU controller contains a cluster testing suite that runs a series of tests to verify installation correctness. You can execute a cluster test against a cluster entity before any partitions are created. It is strongly recommended that you run all the test types provided by the cluster testing suite before deploying any applications in a cluster.

Assuming you have created a cluster named “cl0” formed by four agents with the command create cluster cl0 --agents ag1,ag2,ag3,ag4, the simplest way to run a complete cluster test for this cluster is by using the test cluster command, as shown below:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0
Showing test results for cluster cl0
  Test Type     | Duration | Passed | Summary
  Sync-Link    | 153.96s  | 14/14   | Sync Link test passed
  Cabling      | 12.02s   | 28/28   | All cables connected as expected
  IPU-Link     | 7.39s    | 156/156 | All Links Passed
  Traffic      | 156.71s  | 3/3     | Traffic test passed
  GW-Link      | 0.00s    | 0/0     | GW Link test skipped
  Version      | 0.01s    | 6/6     | All component versions are consistent

As the test results show, six test types were executed on cluster “cl0”. The results for each test type are printed one per line in the output. Each test type tested zero or more elements of the cluster as can be seen from the “Passed” column. Each test type is explained in detail in the rest of this section.

Note that the command executed in the snippet above blocks the command until the cluster test is completed, and this particular test took more than five minutes to complete. For larger clusters it might take even longer. To avoid blocking the command for prolonged periods of time, you can execute cluster tests asynchronously with the --start, --status and --stop options, as follows:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --start
# Launches an async cluster test and command returns immediately
# User can run any other commands here...

# Checks the status of the cluster test while a test is running
$ vipu-admin test cluster --status
test cluster (status): failed: No results available. Test in cluster cl0 is in progress.

# Fetch the results of the last test executed
$ vipu-admin test cluster --status
Showing test results for cluster cl0
  Test Type    | Duration | Passed  | Summary
  Sync-Link    | 0.84s    | 14/14   | Sync Link test passed
  Cabling      | 12.02s   | 28/28   | All cables connected as expected
  IPU-Link     | 7.39s    | 156/156 | All Links Passed
  Traffic      | 156.71s  | 3/3     | Traffic test passed
  GW-Link      | 0.00s    | 0/0     | GW Link test skipped
  Version      | 0.01s    | 6/6     | All component versions are consistent

# Interrupt a cluster test with the stop command
$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --start
$ vipu-admin test cluster --stop
$ vipu-admin test cluster --status
test cluster (status): failed: No results available. Last test in cluster cl0 was stopped.

When a cluster test is running, some restrictions are imposed on the actions an administrator can perform on the system:

  • Partition creation in a cluster where a test is in progress is forbidden.

  • Removal of a cluster where a test is in progress is forbidden.

  • Only one cluster test can be running at any given time on a V-IPU controller, even if the V-IPU controller controls more than one cluster.

  • There is no persistence of the cluster test results. Only the results of the last test can be retrieved with the --status command, as long as the V-IPU controller has not been restarted.

6.4.1. List of cluster tests

Sync test

The sync test verifies the external Sync-Link cabling that connects IPU-Machines in the same IPU-Link domain together, in addition to verifying sync over GW-Links between domains. You can run a sync test by passing the --sync option to the test cluster command. The output of a passing test will be similar to that shown below:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --sync
Showing test results for cluster cl0
  Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
  Sync-Link   | 0.93s    | 14/14  | Sync Link test passed

The cluster tested above is a single-ILD topology with eight V-IPU agents (eight IPU-Machines). As seen in Fig. 6.3, this topology consists of 14 Sync-Link cables, and all of the Sync-Link cables have passed the test.

In cluster topologies that span across multiple domains, such as the one in Fig. 6.6, the sync test also tests the synchronisation over the GW-Link cables that span between domains.

A sync test failure reports the cables that failed to satisfy the cluster topology that is being tested by listing the agents and Sync-Link port enumeration of the failing Sync-Links. In the example command below, two Sync-Link$2 cables between “ag1” and “ag2” fail:

  • the link between “ag1” Sync-Link port 6 and “ag2” Sync-Link port 2

  • the link between “ag1” Sync-Link port 7 and “ag2” Sync-Link port 3

This is an indication of either faulty cabling or an incorrect cluster definition.

Fig. 6.9 shows the Sync-Link port enumeration in an IPU-Machine:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --sync
Showing test results for cluster cl0
  Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
  Sync-Link   | 0.90s    | 12/14  | Failed Sync Links:
              |          |        | ag1:6 <--> 2:ag2
              |          |        | ag1:7 <--> 3:ag2
test (cluster): failed: Some tests failed.

Fig. 6.9 IPU-Machine Sync-Link port enumeration

Traffic test

The traffic test acts as a smoke test within all domains (GW-Links are not used by the traffic test, see GW-Link traffic test for testing GW-Links) of a cluster before deploying applications. The test works by loading and running a simple IPU program on up to 16 IPUs inside each ILD. If the domains have more than 16 IPUs, multiple overlapping traffic tests will be executed in order to ensure that traffic is sent over all of the cluster links as shown in Fig. 6.11.

You can invoke the traffic test with the --traffic option. Note that for a traffic test to pass, a prerequisite is that the Sync-Link and IPU-Link training tests have passed first.


Fig. 6.11 Four overlapping traffic tests with IDs 1-4 will run in an ILD with eight IPU-Machines in torus topology

The traffic test can report corrected IPU-Link errors that can reveal potential cabling issues that are not captured by the IPU-Link and cluster link test as shown in the example output below:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --traffic
  Test        | Duration | Passed | Summary
  Traffic     | 210.17s  | 0/1    | Traffic test failed
              |          |        | Errors encountered in traffic test 1
              |          |        | corrected link errors: 838
              |          |        | - ag3:1 <--> ag2:5 (327)
              |          |        | - ag2:4 <--> ag1:8 (521)
test cluster (cl0): failed: Some tests failed.

The index of the traffic test, for example traffic test 1 in the output above, refers to the traffic test ID for the overlapping tests (see Fig. 6.11). Currently, the threshold for corrected errors per link is 300. That is, if a link reports more than 300 corrected link errors it qualifies as failure, otherwise it passes. From the output above, it can be seen that two links reported more than 300 corrected link errors (327 and 521), and thus the test fails.

Version consistency test

The version consistency test will check for version consistency of different system components a cluster. Note that this is not a version compatibility test, the test will only ensure that components are of the same version in all agents that form a cluster. A passing test will report that all system component versions are consistent, as shown in the example command below:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --versions
Showing test results for cluster cl0
  Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
  Version     | 0.00s    | 4/4    | All component versions are consistent

A failing test, for example in the case where one of the V-IPU agents is of a different version in a cluster with eight agents, will report the component that failed in the summary. As shown in the example output below, the agent component is version 1.6.0 in all but ag8 where the version is 1.5.1:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --versions
Showing test results for cluster cl0
  Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
  Version     | 0.01s    | 3/4    | Components with mismatched versions found:
              |          |        | ag1-Agent: 1.6.0
              |          |        | ag2-Agent: 1.6.0
              |          |        | ag3-Agent: 1.6.0
              |          |        | ag4-Agent: 1.6.0
              |          |        | ag5-Agent: 1.6.0
              |          |        | ag6-Agent: 1.6.0
              |          |        | ag7-Agent: 1.6.0
              |          |        | ag8-Agent: 1.5.1
test (cluster): failed: Some tests failed.

Cabling test

In order to verify that external IPU-Link and GW-Link cables are connected as expected in a cluster, you can use the cabling test. This reads the serial ID from the OSFP cable connected to port X and port Y, and verifies that they are equal for all expected connections.

  • For mesh IPU-Link domain topologies, cables connected to agent IPU-Link chassis ports [5,6,7,8] will be checked against IPU-Link chassis ports [1,2,3,4] on the agent above (see Fig. 6.3).

  • If the topology is torus, the loop-back connections will also be verified from the top to the bottom agent (see Fig. 6.5).

  • For “looped” GW-Link topologies, the cable connected to agent GW-Link chassis port 1 will be checked against GW-Link chassis port 2 on the agent on the right (agent on the same position in the adjacent IPU-Link domain, see Fig. 6.6). The loop-back connection between agents in the first and last IPU-Link domain will also be verified.

You can run a cabling tests by passing the --cabling option to the test cluster command. An example of running a passing test can be seen below, where cl0 is a single IPU-Link domain cluster, consisting of 4 agents in looped plus mesh topology:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --cabling
Showing test results for cluster cl0
 Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
 Cabling     | 19.54s   | 12/12  | All cables connected as expected

If the test does not pass, details about the connections that failed are displayed. Below is an example of a test run when four IPU-Link cables between ag1 and ag2 in the cluster are not connected:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --cabling
Showing test results for cluster cl0
 Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
 Cabling     | 21.77s   | 8/12   | ag1:5 [IPU-Link] <--> ag2:1 [IPU-Link] (failed)
             |          |        | ag1:6 [IPU-Link] <--> ag2:2 [IPU-Link] (failed)
             |          |        | ag1:7 [IPU-Link] <--> ag2:3 [IPU-Link] (failed)
             |          |        | ag1:8 [IPU-Link] <--> ag2:4 [IPU-Link] (failed)

In a multi-ILD cluster, the GW-Link cables are also verified. If a GW-Link cable is not connected properly in a cluster consisting of 2 IPU-Link domains with 2 agents each in a mesh plus looped topology, the test will fail as shown in the example below:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --cabling
Showing test results for cluster cl0
 Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
 Cabling     | 19.87s   | 11/12  | ag1.1:1 [GW-Link] <--> ag2.1:2 [GW-Link] (failed)

PFC-settings test

The PFC-settings test will check and verify that the correct number of Priority Flow Control (PFC) classes are enabled on the RNICs associated with the agent. Invoking the test can be done by passing --pfc-settings on the command line when executing the vipu-admin test cluster command.

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --pfc-settings
Showing test results for cluster cl0
 Test Type    | Duration | Passed | Summary
 PFC-settings | 0.65s    | 8/8    | All PFC settings as expected

If the test fails, the output should provide details of which agents and network interfaces that didn’t pass. The example below shows the output for the case when 4 out of 8 agents have incorrect PFC settings:

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0 --pfc-settings
Showing test results for cluster cl0
 Test Type    | Duration | Passed | Summary
 PFC-settings | 0.72s    | 4/8    | PFC settings not as expected:
              |          |        | ag05: {eth1: pfc classes: got [0, 2], expected [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]}
              |          |        | ag06: {eth1: pfc classes: got [0, 2], expected [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]}
              |          |        | ag07: {if-0: pfc classes: got [], expected [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]}
              |          |        | ag08: {if-1: pfc classes: got [9, 10, 11], expected [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]}

6.4.2. Cluster tests dependencies

Cluster tests test the system at a low level for failing cables or misconfigured hardware. However, some of the tests require the hardware to be configured to an extent for the test to work. For instance, the Traffic test loads and runs a small IPU program to multiple IPUs. For the Traffic test to work, it requires the cables to be connected properly and the IPU-Links and Sync to be functional. If any of the aforementioned system components fail, for example, a sync cable is misconnected, the Traffic test will fail too. However, the failure of the Traffic test will be misleading and it could be prevented if the sync cables were all connected as they should.

To prevent misleading test failures, V-IPU knows the test dependencies and stops running tests that depend on other tests that have failed earlier.

An example of how such a test failure looks is illustrated below. As most tests rely on the correct cabling of the system, if the Cabling test fails, most other tests will fail too. In the sample command line output below you can see that three tests, the IPU-Link training test, Traffic test and GW-Link test, were skipped as they depend on the failed Cabling test. Notice that the test dependency that caused a test to be skipped is highlighed in the parentheses. For all three of the skipped tests in the example below, the dependency that caused the test to be skipped is the (Cabling) test.

The Sync test and Version consistency test have both passed, as these two tests have no test dependencies on any of the failed tests in this example.

$ vipu-admin test cluster cl0
Test Type   | Duration | Passed | Summary
 Sync-Link   | 0.33s    | 6/6    | Sync Link test passed
 Cabling     | 3.15s    | 11/12  | Cables not connected as expected:
             |          |        | a02 (IPU-Cluster Port 7) <--> a03 (IPU-Cluster Port 3) (connected to wrong port)
 IPU-Link    | 0.00s    | 0/0    | Test skipped
             |          |        | Test did not run because of an earlier dependency test failure (Cabling)
 Traffic     | 0.00s    | 0/0    | Test skipped
             |          |        | Test did not run because of an earlier dependency test failure (Cabling)
 GW-Link     | 0.00s    | 0/0    | Test skipped
             |          |        | Test did not run because of an earlier dependency test failure (Cabling)
 Version     | 0.00s    | 6/6    | All component versions are consistent

You can force execute a single test and ignore its dependencies by using the cluster test option (refer to Section 9.10.1, Test a cluster for a list of cluster test options) for the corresponding test.

In the above example, if you wanted to force run the GW-Link test and do not care about the failing cabling test (as from the output we can see that the failing cable is not a GW-Link, but an IPU-Link), you could do that with the vipu-admin test cluster CLUSTER_NAME --gwlink command.

Note that in order to force run a cluster test, a single test option must be used.

For instance, the vipu-admin test cluster CLUSTER_NAME --gwlink will force-run the GW-Link test, but vipu-admin test cluster CLUSTER_NAME --gwlink --cabling will fail, as both the --cabling test and --gwlink options were provided. The --gwlink test depends on the --cabling test that fails in the example given above.