3. Power operations

This section describes power management operations using the CLI, REST, IPMI and Redfish interfaces.

3.1. BMC command line

You can use the ipum-utils command to control power. Table 3.1 lists the available commands.

Table 3.1 Power control options




Immediately turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains, without saving state


Save state and turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains


Safely turn power off and on for all power domains including the connector domain


Turn on power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains


Show the current power cap setting

To reboot the BMC, use the Linux reboot command.

3.1.1. Power cap operations

The power used by a system can be limited (capped) using a ceiling imposed by the powercap utility. Depending on the state of the machine, different values might take effect:

  • By default, the power cap is set to 1700 watts on Bow-2000, and 1500 watts on IPU-M2000.

  • Bow-2000 can be configured to be power cap compatible with IPU-M2000, if compatibility mode is enabled. In this case, the power will be limited to 1500 watts.

  • The power consumption of the machine can be capped with a user-defined value between 600 and 2600 watts. This value takes precedence over default and compatibility configurations.

  • In case of a power-supply unit (PSU) failure, power will be limited to a user-defined value if PSU failure capping is enabled. This value takes precedence over default, compatibility and user settings.

  • When a thermal trip is detected, a power cap of 600 watts will be applied automatically until the system recovers, taking precedence over all other power cap values.

You can use the powercap command to adjust the power cap settings, as shown below:

  • Configuration of custom power cap values

    In order to set the power cap to a custom value, the user mode must be enabled. This can be accomplished using the powercap set user enabled command. The power cap value can be adjusted with powercap set user value. The active user settings can be listed using the powercap get user command.

    $ powercap get user
    User Powercap Settings:
      * Value: 1500W
      * Enabled: false
    $ powercap set user enabled 1
    $ powercap set user value 1650
    $ powercap get user
    User Powercap Settings:
      * Value: 1650W
      * Enabled: true
  • Activation and deactivation of Bow-2000 power cap compatibilty mode

    $ powercap set compatibility enabled 1
    $ powercap get compatibility
    Compatibility Mode:
      * Enabled: true
    $ powercap set compatibility enabled 0
    $ powercap get compatibility
    Compatibility Mode:
      * Enabled: false
  • Configuration of psu failure power cap

    $ powercap get psufailure
    PSU Failure Powercap:
      * Value: 1500W
      * Enabled: false
    $ powercap set psufailure enabled 1
    $ powercap set psufailure value 1100
    $ powercap get psufailure
    PSU Failure Powercap:
      * Value: 1100W
      * Enabled: true
  • Readout of the active power cap value that was written to the hardware registers

    $ powercap get dac
      * Capped output power: 1380W
      * Capped input power: 1500W


You can perform power operations through the REST API either by sending curl queries to the URI or by using the Graphcore openbmctool.py utility.

Table 3.2 describes the available commands.

Table 3.2 Power operations using REST interface



Hard power off

Immediately turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains, without saving state

$ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.Transition.Off"}' https://<bmcuser>:<bmcpass>@<bmcip>/xyz/openbmc_project/state/chassis0/attr/RequestedPowerTransition
$ python3 openbmctool.py -H <bmcip> -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> chassis power hardoff

Soft power off

Save state and turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains

$ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.Off"}' https://<bmcuser>:<bmcpass>@<bmcip>/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0/attr/RequestedHostTransition
$ python3 openbmctool.py -H <bmcip> -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> chassis power softoff

Warm reboot

Soft power off followed by power on

$ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.Reboot"}' https://<bmcuser>:<bmcpass>@<bmcip>/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0/attr/RequestedHostTransition

No direct openbmtool.py command available. You can use the “soft power off” and “power on” commands instead.

Power on

Turn on power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains

$ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.On"}' https://<bmcuser>:<bmcpass>@<bmcip>/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0/attr/RequestedHostTransition
$ python3 openbmctool.py -H <bmcip> -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> chassis power on

BMC reboot

Reboot the BMC

$ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.Transition.Reboot"}' https://<bmcuser>:<bmcpass>@<bmcip>/xyz/openbmc_project/state/bmc0/attr/RequestedBMCTransition
$ python3 openbmctool.py -H <bmcip> -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> bmc reset

You can manage power consumption using the REST interface with the commands in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Power consumption management using REST interface



Power cap status

Get current settings

$ python3 openbmctool.py -H <bmcip> -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> chassis chassis pcap -g
Attempting login...
Chassis PowerCap State: {'PowerCap': 2400, 'PowerCapEnable': False}
User root has been logged out

Set power cap

Set new power cap value

$ python3 openbmctool.py -H <bmcip> -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> chassis pcap -s  <600-2600>
Attempting login...
Attempting to disable power cap ...
User root has been logged out

Disable power cap

Disable power capping

$ python3 openbmctool.py -H <bmcip> -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> chassis pcap -d

3.3. IPMI

Table 3.4 describes the ipmitool power-related commands that are available.

Table 3.4 Power operations using IPMI interface



Hard power off

Immediately turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains, without saving state

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> power off

Soft power off

Save state and turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> power soft

Warm reboot

Soft power off followed by power on

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> power reset

Power on

Turn on power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> power on

BMC reboot

Reboot the BMC

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> bmc reset cold

You can manage power consumption using the IPMI interface with the commands in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 Power consumption management using IPMI interface



Power cap status

Get current settings

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> dcmi power get_limit
Current Limit State: No Active Power Limit0
Exception actions:   Hard Power Off & Log Event to SEL
Power Limit:         2200 Watts
Correction time:     0 milliseconds
Sampling period:     0 seconds

Set power cap

Set new power cap value

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> dcmi power set_limit limit 2100
Current Limit State: No Active Power Limit0
Exception actions:   Hard Power Off & Log Event to SEL
Power Limit:         2100 Watts
Correction time:     0 milliseconds
Sampling period:     0 seconds

Enable power cap

Enable power capping

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> dcmi power activate
Power limit successfully activated

Disable power cap

Disable power capping

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -C 3 -p 623 -U <bmcuser> -P <bmcpass> -H <bmcip> dcmi power deactivate
Power limit successfully deactivated

3.4. Redfish

You can see the supported power operations at https://<bmcip>/redfish/v1/Systems/system. Table 3.6 describes the power operations.

Table 3.6 Power operations using Redfish interface



Hard power off

Immediately turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains, without saving state

$ curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: <token>" -X POST https://${bmcip}/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "ForceOff"}' -u <bmcpass>:<bmcuser>

Soft power off

Save state and turn off power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains

$ curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: <token>" -X POST https://${bmcip}/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulShutdown"}' -u <bmcpass>:<bmcuser>

Warm reboot

Soft power off followed by power on

$ curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: <token>" -X POST https://${bmcip}/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' -u <bmcpass>:<bmcuser>

Power on

Turn on power for the IPU and IPU-Gateway domains

$ curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: <token>" -X POST https://${bmcip}/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "ForceOn"}' -u <bmcpass>:<bmcuser>