3. Using ModelRunner

The ModelRunner class is a lightweight wrapper around all the functionality provided by Model Runtime (Section 2, Model Runtime overview) to make it easy for you to deploy models from PopEF files.

There are two steps for running a PopEF model using ModelRunner:

  1. Create a ModelRunner object by providing either a list of PopEF files or an instance of the popef::Model class.

    In this step, an IPU is acquired and the model is loaded onto it. All necessary threads and classes are created and stored in the ModelRunner internal state.

    You can set several configuration options, for example replication factor, when you create the ModelRunner object using ModelRunnerConfig.

  2. Use one of the execution modes (Section 3.1, Execution modes) to send an inference request to the IPU.


The ModelRunner instance must be preserved until the last inference request returns a result. Destruction of the instance causes the model to be stopped and unloaded from the IPU. The state of the requests that were being processed when the object was destroyed is undefined.

3.1. Execution modes

ModelRunner provides two execution modes: synchronous (execute()) and asynchronous (executeAsync()).

  • In the synchronous mode, the request blocks until the result is available.

  • In the asynchronous mode, the request is queued and a std::future object is returned. The result can be accessed as soon as the IPU finishes computation.

For both modes, you are responsible for the memory allocation of the input tensors. All execute() and executeAsync() functions take an InputMemoryView parameter that contains pointers to all input data. You must ensure that the input data exists and the pointers are valid until the result is returned.

Each of these execution functions come in two flavours, which differ in how the memory for the output tensors is allocated:

  1. ModelRunner allocates memory for the output and returns a TensorMemory instance for each output tensor.

    The corresponding functions are:

  2. You allocate the output tensor memory and pass an OutputMemoryView object to the execute function. ModelRunner will place the result in the memory you have provided.

    The corresponding functions are:

You can find out about the tensors that the model accepts as inputs and returns as outputs by calling one of the following ModelRunner methods:

These methods return a collection of DataDesc objects which contain basic information about the tensor:

  • name

  • shape

  • data type

  • size in bytes

The Python and C++ examples below send inference requests to the IPU using all available execution modes.


Files used by the examples in this chapter are listed in the examples appendix. They contain helper functions, for example to process command line arguments.

Download model_runner_execution_modes.py

Listing 3.1 model_runner_execution_modes.py
  1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  2# Copyright (c) 2022 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
  4import argparse
  5from datetime import timedelta
  6from re import L
  7import numpy as np
  8import model_runtime
  9import popef
 11The example shows loading a model from PopEF files and sending
 12inference requests using all available ModelRunner execution modes.
 16def main():
 17    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Model runner simple example.")
 18    parser.add_argument(
 19        "-p",
 20        "--popef",
 21        type=str,
 22        metavar='popef_file_path',
 23        help="A collection of PopEF files containing the model.",
 24        nargs='+',
 25        required=True)
 26    args = parser.parse_args()
 28    # Create model runner
 29    config = model_runtime.ModelRunnerConfig()
 30    config.device_wait_config = model_runtime.DeviceWaitConfig(
 31        model_runtime.DeviceWaitStrategy.WAIT_WITH_TIMEOUT,
 32        timeout=timedelta(seconds=600),
 33        sleepTime=timedelta(seconds=1))
 35    print("Creating ModelRunner with", config)
 36    model_runner = model_runtime.ModelRunner(model_runtime.PopefPaths(
 37        args.popef),
 38                                             config=config)
 40    print("Preparing input tensors:")
 41    input_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteInputs()
 42    input_tensors = [
 43        np.random.randn(*input_desc.shape).astype(input_desc.numpy_data_type())
 44        for input_desc in input_descriptions
 45    ]
 46    input_view = model_runtime.InputMemoryView()
 48    for input_desc, input_tensor in zip(input_descriptions, input_tensors):
 49        print("\tname:", input_desc.name, "shape:", input_tensor.shape,
 50              "dtype:", input_tensor.dtype)
 51        input_view[input_desc.name] = input_tensor
 53    print("Running synchronous execution mode. The memory of the output "
 54          "tensors is allocated by the ModelRunner object.")
 55    synchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view)
 57    print("Running synchronous execution mode. The memory of the output "
 58          "tensors is allocated by the user.")
 59    synchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view)
 61    print("Running asynchronous execution mode. The memory of the output "
 62          "tensors is allocated by the ModelRunner object.")
 63    asynchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view)
 65    print("Running asynchronous execution mode. The memory of the output "
 66          "tensors is allocated by the user.")
 67    asynchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view)
 69    input_numpy = dict()
 70    for input_desc, input_tensor in zip(input_descriptions, input_tensors):
 71        input_numpy[input_desc.name] = input_tensor
 73    print("Running synchronous execution mode. The input is a numpy array. "
 74          "The memory of the output tensors is allocated by the ModelRunner "
 75          "object.")
 76    synchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedNumpyInputOutput(
 77        model_runner, input_numpy)
 79    print("Running synchronous execution mode. The input and the output are "
 80          "numpy arrays. The memory of the output tensors is allocated by the "
 81          "user. ")
 82    synchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedNumpyInputOutput(
 83        model_runner, input_numpy)
 85    print(
 86        "Running asynchronous execution mode. The input and the output are "
 87        "numpy arrays . The memory of the output tensors is allocated by the "
 88        "ModelRunner object.")
 89    asynchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedNumpyOutput(
 90        model_runner, input_numpy)
 92    print(
 93        "Running asynchronous execution mode. The input and the output are "
 94        "numpy arrays . The memory of the output tensors is allocated by the "
 95        "user.")
 96    asynchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedNumpyOutput(model_runner,
 97                                                      input_numpy)
 99    print("Success: exiting")
100    return 0
103def synchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view):
104    print("Sending single synchronous request with random data. Output "
105          "allocated by ModelRunner.")
106    result = model_runner.execute(input_view)
108    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
109    print("Processing output tensors:")
110    for output_desc in output_descriptions:
111        output_tensor = np.frombuffer(
112            result[output_desc.name],
113            dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type()).reshape(output_desc.shape)
114        print("\tname:", output_desc.name, "shape:", output_tensor.shape,
115              "dtype:", output_tensor.dtype, "\n", output_tensor)
118def synchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view):
120    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
121    print("Preparing memory for output tensors")
122    output_tensors = [
123        np.zeros(output_desc.shape, dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type())
124        for output_desc in output_descriptions
125    ]
127    print("Creating model_runtime.OutputMemoryView()")
128    output_view = model_runtime.OutputMemoryView()
129    for desc, tensor in zip(output_descriptions, output_tensors):
130        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape:", tensor.shape, "dtype:",
131              tensor.dtype)
132        output_view[desc.name] = tensor
134    print("Sending single synchronous request with random data")
135    model_runner.execute(input_view, output_view)
136    print("Processing output tensors:")
137    for desc, tensor in zip(output_descriptions, output_tensors):
138        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape", tensor.shape, "dtype",
139              tensor.dtype, "\n", tensor)
142def synchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedNumpyInputOutput(
143        model_runner, numpy_input):
145    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
147    print("Sending single synchronous request random data (numpy array)")
148    output_tensors = model_runner.execute(numpy_input)
149    print("Processing output tensors (numpy dict):")
150    for desc in output_descriptions:
151        tensor = output_tensors[desc.name]
152        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape", tensor.shape, "dtype",
153              tensor.dtype, "\n", tensor)
156def synchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedNumpyInputOutput(
157        model_runner, numpy_input):
159    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
160    print("Preparing memory for output tensors")
161    numpy_output = {}
162    for output_desc in output_descriptions:
163        numpy_output[output_desc.name] = np.zeros(
164            output_desc.shape, dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type())
166    print("Sending single synchronous request with random data")
167    model_runner.execute(numpy_input, numpy_output)
168    print("Processing output tensors (numpy dict):")
169    for desc in output_descriptions:
170        tensor = numpy_output[desc.name]
171        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape", tensor.shape, "dtype",
172              tensor.dtype, "\n", tensor)
175def asynchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view):
177    print("Sending single asynchronous request with random data. Output "
178          "allocated by ModelRunner.")
179    result = model_runner.executeAsync(input_view)
181    print("Waiting for output allocated by ModelRunner:")
182    result.wait()
183    print("Results available")
185    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
186    print("Processing output tensors:")
187    for output_desc in output_descriptions:
188        output_tensor = np.frombuffer(
189            result[output_desc.name],
190            dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type()).reshape(output_desc.shape)
191        print("\tname:", output_desc.name, "shape:", output_tensor.shape,
192              "dtype:", output_tensor.dtype, "\n", output_tensor)
195def asynchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedOutput(model_runner, input_view):
196    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
197    print("Preparing memory for output tensors")
198    output_tensors = [
199        np.zeros(output_desc.shape, dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type())
200        for output_desc in output_descriptions
201    ]
203    print("Creating model_runtime.OutputMemoryView()")
204    output_view = model_runtime.OutputMemoryView()
205    for desc, tensor in zip(output_descriptions, output_tensors):
206        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape:", tensor.shape, "dtype:",
207              tensor.dtype)
208        output_view[desc.name] = tensor
210    print("Sending single asynchronous request with random data")
211    future = model_runner.executeAsync(input_view, output_view)
213    print("Waiting for the output.")
214    future.wait()
215    print("Results available.")
216    print("Processing output tensors:")
217    for desc, tensor in zip(output_descriptions, output_tensors):
218        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape", tensor.shape, "dtype",
219              tensor.dtype, "\n", tensor)
222def asynchronousExecutionModeLibraryAllocatedNumpyOutput(
223        model_runner, numpy_input):
224    print("Sending single asynchronous request with random data")
225    future = model_runner.executeAsync(numpy_input)
227    print("Waiting for the output.")
228    future.wait()
229    for desc in model_runner.getExecuteOutputs():
230        future_py_array = future[desc.name]
232        # Create a np.array copy from the future_py_array buffer
233        # using numpy() method.
234        tensor = future_py_array.numpy()
235        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape", tensor.shape, "dtype",
236              tensor.dtype, "tensor id", id(tensor), "\n", tensor)
238        # Create a np.array copy from the future_py_array buffer
239        # (allocated by ModelRunner instance).
240        tensor_copy = np.array(future_py_array, copy=True)
241        print("Tensor copy", tensor_copy, "tensor id", id(tensor_copy))
243        # Avoid copying. Create a np.array view from the future_py_array buffer
244        # (allocated by ModelRunner instance).
245        tensor_view = np.array(future_py_array, copy=False)
246        print("Tensor view", tensor_view, "tensor id", id(tensor_view))
248        assert not np.shares_memory(tensor_view, tensor_copy)
249        assert not np.shares_memory(tensor, tensor_copy)
250        assert not np.shares_memory(tensor, tensor_view)
253def asynchronousExecutionModeUserAllocatedNumpyOutput(model_runner,
254                                                      numpy_input):
256    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
257    print("Preparing memory for output tensors")
258    numpy_output = {}
259    for output_desc in output_descriptions:
260        numpy_output[output_desc.name] = np.zeros(
261            output_desc.shape, dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type())
263    print("Sending single asynchronous request with random data")
264    future = model_runner.executeAsync(numpy_input, numpy_output)
266    print("Waiting for the output.")
267    future.wait()
268    print("Results available.")
269    print("Processing output tensors:")
270    for desc in output_descriptions:
271        output_tensor = numpy_output[desc.name]
272        future_py_array_view = future[desc.name]
274        # Create a np.array view from the future_py_array_view using numpy()
275        # method, view points to np.array present in numpy_output dict
276        tensor_from_future_object = future_py_array_view.numpy()
277        print("\tname:", desc.name, "shape", tensor_from_future_object.shape,
278              "dtype", tensor_from_future_object.dtype, "\n",
279              tensor_from_future_object)
280        assert np.shares_memory(output_tensor, tensor_from_future_object)
282        # Create a np.array view from the future_py_array_view buffer, view
283        # points to np.array present in numpy_output dict
284        tensor_view = np.array(future_py_array_view, copy=False)
285        assert np.shares_memory(output_tensor, tensor_view)
286        assert np.shares_memory(tensor_from_future_object, tensor_view)
288        # Create a np.array copy from the future_py_array_view buffer
289        tensor_copy = np.array(future_py_array_view, copy=True)
290        assert not np.shares_memory(tensor_from_future_object, tensor_copy)
291        assert not np.shares_memory(output_tensor, tensor_copy)
294if __name__ == "__main__":
295    main()

3.2. Replication

You can specify the replication factor inside the ModelRunnerConfig object passed to the ModelRunner constructor. When the replication factor is set, the ModelRunner object will create the number of IPU model replicas specified, up to the number of available IPUs. The last parameter to each execution function is the ID of the replica to which the inference request will be sent.

The Python and C++ examples below create two replicas and send inference requests to each of them.

Download model_runner_replication.py

Listing 3.3 model_runner_replication.py
 1#!/usr/bin/env python3
 2# Copyright (c) 2022 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
 4import argparse
 5from datetime import timedelta
 6import numpy as np
 7import model_runtime
 8import popef
10The example shows loading a model from PopEF files, creating 2 model replicas
11and sending inference requests to each of them.
15def main():
16    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Model runner simple example.")
17    parser.add_argument(
18        "-p",
19        "--popef",
20        type=str,
21        metavar='popef_file_path',
22        help="A collection of PopEF files containing the model.",
23        nargs='+',
24        required=True)
25    args = parser.parse_args()
27    num_replicas = 2
28    # Create model runner
29    config = model_runtime.ModelRunnerConfig()
30    config.replication_factor = num_replicas
31    config.device_wait_config = model_runtime.DeviceWaitConfig(
32        model_runtime.DeviceWaitStrategy.WAIT_WITH_TIMEOUT,
33        timeout=timedelta(seconds=600),
34        sleepTime=timedelta(seconds=1))
36    print("Creating ModelRunner with", config)
37    runner = model_runtime.ModelRunner(model_runtime.PopefPaths(args.popef),
38                                       config=config)
40    input_descriptions = runner.getExecuteInputs()
42    input = model_runtime.InputMemoryView()
44    print("Preparing input tensors:")
45    input_descriptions = runner.getExecuteInputs()
46    input_tensors = [
47        np.random.randn(*input_desc.shape).astype(input_desc.numpy_data_type())
48        for input_desc in input_descriptions
49    ]
50    input_view = model_runtime.InputMemoryView()
52    for input_desc, input_tensor in zip(input_descriptions, input_tensors):
53        print("\tname:", input_desc.name, "shape:", input_tensor.shape,
54              "dtype:", input_tensor.dtype)
55        input_view[input_desc.name] = input_tensor
57    for replica_id in range(num_replicas):
58        print("Sending single synchronous request with empty data - replica",
59              replica_id, ".")
60        result = runner.execute(input_view, replica_id=replica_id)
61        output_descriptions = runner.getExecuteOutputs()
63        print("Processing output tensors - replica", replica_id, ":")
64        for output_desc in output_descriptions:
65            output_tensor = np.frombuffer(
66                result[output_desc.name],
67                dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type()).reshape(output_desc.shape)
68            print("\tname:", output_desc.name, "shape:", output_tensor.shape,
69                  "dtype:", output_tensor.dtype, "\n", output_tensor)
71    print("Success: exiting")
72    return 0
75if __name__ == "__main__":
76    main()

3.3. Multithreading

By default, ModelRunner is not thread-safe.

When many threads call execute() or executeAsync(), it can lead to race conditions and undefined behaviour. To avoid this when using ModelRunner in a multithreaded environment, you must ensure that appropriate synchronization mechanisms are used between threads.

The alternative is to set thread_safe in ModelRunnerConfig to true. Every subsequent call of execute() or executeAsync() will cause the internal std::mutex instance to lock.

The examples below first create several threads and then each thread sends inference requests to the IPU.

Download model_runner_multithreading.py

Listing 3.5 model_runner_multithreading.py
 1#!/usr/bin/env python3
 2# Copyright (c) 2022 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
 4import argparse
 5import threading
 6from datetime import timedelta
 7import numpy as np
 8import model_runtime
 9import popef
11The example shows loading a model from PopEF files and sending inference
12requests to the same model by multiple threads.
16def main():
17    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Model runner simple example.")
18    parser.add_argument(
19        "-p",
20        "--popef",
21        type=str,
22        metavar='popef_file_path',
23        help="A collection of PopEF files containing the model.",
24        nargs='+',
25        required=True)
26    args = parser.parse_args()
28    config = model_runtime.ModelRunnerConfig()
29    config.thread_safe = True
30    config.device_wait_config = model_runtime.DeviceWaitConfig(
31        model_runtime.DeviceWaitStrategy.WAIT_WITH_TIMEOUT,
32        timeout=timedelta(seconds=600),
33        sleepTime=timedelta(seconds=1))
35    print("Creating ModelRunner with", config)
36    model_runner = model_runtime.ModelRunner(model_runtime.PopefPaths(
37        args.popef),
38                                             config=config)
39    num_workers = 4
40    print("Starting", num_workers, "worker threads.")
41    threads = [
42        threading.Thread(target=workerMain, args=(model_runner, worker_id))
43        for worker_id in range(num_workers)
44    ]
46    for thread in threads:
47        thread.start()
49    for thread in threads:
50        thread.join()
52    print("Success: exiting")
53    return 0
56def workerMain(model_runner, worker_id):
57    print("Worker", worker_id, "Starting workerMain()")
58    num_requests = 5
60    input_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteInputs()
61    input_requests = []
63    print("Worker", worker_id, "Allocating input tensors for", num_requests,
64          "requests", input_descriptions)
65    for _ in range(num_requests):
66        input_requests.append([
67            np.random.randn(*input_desc.shape).astype(
68                input_desc.numpy_data_type())
69            for input_desc in input_descriptions
70        ])
72    futures = []
74    for req_id in range(num_requests):
75        print("Worker", worker_id, "Sending asynchronous request. Request id",
76              req_id)
77        input_view = model_runtime.InputMemoryView()
78        for input_desc, input_tensor in zip(input_descriptions,
79                                            input_requests[req_id]):
80            input_view[input_desc.name] = input_tensor
81        futures.append(model_runner.executeAsync(input_view))
83    print("Worker", worker_id, "Processing outputs.")
84    for req_id, future in enumerate(futures):
85        print("Worker", worker_id, "Waiting for the result - request", req_id)
86        future.wait()
87        print("Worker", worker_id, "Result available - request", req_id)
90if __name__ == "__main__":
91    main()

3.4. Frozen inputs

The ModelRunner class allows you to bind constant tensor data to input tensors by setting frozen_inputs in ModelRunnerConfig. frozen_inputs is an instance of InputMemoryView and contains a mapping from the input tensor names to the constant tensor data you have allocated. You allocate and pass the pointer to the constant data for the input tensors you want to freeze.

If the tensor to be frozen was required as an input during the execution call, this tensor will no longer be required and the constant tensor from frozen_inputs will instead be added to the request. If the tensor to be frozen was saved as PopEF tensor data or feed data, it will be overridden by the constant tensor from frozen_inputs.

The examples below bind a constant value to one of the inputs and sends inference requests to the IPU.


These examples use a PopEF file generated by the code in Section A.3, Generating an example PopEF file.

Download model_runner_frozen_inputs.py

Listing 3.7 model_runner_frozen_inputs.py
  1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  2# Copyright (c) 2022 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
  4import os
  5import argparse
  6from datetime import timedelta
  7import numpy as np
  8import model_runtime
  9import popef
 11The example shows loading a model from PopEF file and binding constant tensor
 12value to one of the inputs. The example is based on the PopEF file generated
 13by `model_runtime_example_generate_simple_popef` example. Generated PopEF
 14file consists simple model:
 16output = (A * weights) + B
 18where A and B are stream inputs, weights is a tensor saved as popef::TensorData
 19and  output is result stream output tensor.
 23def main():
 24    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Model runner simple example.")
 25    parser.add_argument(
 26        "-p",
 27        "--popef",
 28        type=str,
 29        metavar='popef_file_path',
 30        help="A collection of PopEF files containing the model.",
 31        nargs='+',
 32        required=True)
 33    args = parser.parse_args()
 34    model = load_model(args.popef)
 36    frozen_input_name = "tensor_B"
 37    print("Looking for tensor", frozen_input_name, "inside PopEF model.")
 38    tensor_b_anchor = popef.Anchor()
 40    for anchor in model.metadata.anchors():
 41        if anchor.name() == frozen_input_name:
 42            tensor_b_anchor = anchor
 43            break
 44    else:
 45        raise Exception(f'Anchor {frozen_input_name} not found inside givem '
 46                        'model. Please make sure that PopEF was generated by '
 47                        '`model_runtime_example_generate_simple_popef`')
 49    print("Generating", frozen_input_name, "random values")
 50    tensor_b_info = tensor_b_anchor.tensorInfo()
 51    tensor_b = np.random.randn(*tensor_b_info.shape()).astype(
 52        tensor_b_info.numpyDType())
 54    config = model_runtime.ModelRunnerConfig()
 56    frozen_inputs = model_runtime.InputMemoryView()
 57    frozen_inputs[frozen_input_name] = tensor_b
 58    config.frozen_inputs = frozen_inputs
 60    print(
 61        "Tensor", frozen_input_name, "is frozen - will be treated as "
 62        "constant in each execution request.")
 63    config.device_wait_config = model_runtime.DeviceWaitConfig(
 64        model_runtime.DeviceWaitStrategy.WAIT_WITH_TIMEOUT,
 65        timeout=timedelta(seconds=600),
 66        sleepTime=timedelta(seconds=1))
 68    model_runner = model_runtime.ModelRunner(model, config=config)
 70    print("Preparing input tensors:")
 71    input_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteInputs()
 72    input_tensors = [
 73        np.random.randn(*input_desc.shape).astype(input_desc.numpy_data_type())
 74        for input_desc in input_descriptions
 75    ]
 76    input_view = model_runtime.InputMemoryView()
 78    for input_desc, input_tensor in zip(input_descriptions, input_tensors):
 79        print("\tname:", input_desc.name, "shape:", input_tensor.shape,
 80              "dtype:", input_tensor.dtype)
 81        input_view[input_desc.name] = input_tensor
 83    print("Sending single synchronous request with empty data.")
 84    result = model_runner.execute(input_view)
 85    output_descriptions = model_runner.getExecuteOutputs()
 87    print("Processing output tensors:")
 88    for output_desc in output_descriptions:
 89        output_tensor = np.frombuffer(
 90            result[output_desc.name],
 91            dtype=output_desc.numpy_data_type()).reshape(output_desc.shape)
 92        print("\tname:", output_desc.name, "shape:", output_tensor.shape,
 93              "dtype:", output_tensor.dtype, "\n", output_tensor)
 95    print("Success: exiting")
 97    return 0
100def load_model(popef_paths):
101    for model_file in popef_paths:
102        assert os.path.isfile(model_file) is True
103        reader = popef.Reader()
104        reader.parseFile(model_file)
106        meta = reader.metadata()
107        exec = reader.executables()
108        return popef.ModelBuilder(reader).createModel()
111if __name__ == "__main__":
112    main()

3.5. Conditional execution

When a compiled graph contains one model, you must provide data for all input and output anchors for correct execution of the graph on the IPU. This is the default execution for a ModelRunner object. Sometimes, a graph compiled by Poplar can contain multiple models (Fig. 3.1). In this case, the IPU will conditionally execute one of these models based on an input parameter (specified in an input anchor) that selects the appropriate execution path. In order to execute different models through one ModelRunner instance, you must provide data for only the anchors that are required by the IPU to perform the request.

There are two steps you must perform:

  • You must disable the validate_io_params option. This option checks if you have provided enough input parameters to complete the request. In other words, it checks that each parameter corresponds to an existing internal queue. By disabling it, you will be able to provide inputs for only the model you want to execute and not all models.

  • You must know which anchors are associated with each model in the graph. When you send a request, you need to provide the data only required by the model you want to execute. The PopEF file contains information about the anchors that the graph contains, but it does not contain information about which anchors are associated with a model. You can use the popef_dump tool to display the anchors in the graph.


If you provide inputs for a different model than the one you want to execute, then a timeout will occur. This will be the only information you will receive in the case of an incorrect execution of the request.


Fig. 3.1 An example graph construction with multiple models

3.6. Dynamic batch sizing

By default, ModelRunner only accepts model inputs and outputs with batch sizes that are an integer multiple of the batch size from the PopEF model. By setting the batching_dim configuration option, you can enable dynamic batch sizing which allows you to specify any batch size.

By default, dynamic batch sizing is disabled (batching_dim == 0xFFFFFFFF). In this case, the batch size must be an integer multiple of the batch size from the PopEF model. For example, without dynamic batch sizing enabled and for a PopEF model with an input shape of [3, 4, 2] where dimension 0 specifies the batch size, ModelRunner can only accept inputs with shapes defined by [N * 3, 4, 2], (where N is any positive integer).

To enable dynamic batch sizing, we set batching_dim to the dimension that contains the value for the batch size. The value of batching_dim must be an integer between 0 and max_dimension_model-1.

For example to enable dynamic batch sizing on dimension 1, you would set batching_dim == 1. Now dimension 1 can contain any batch size. Using the example from earlier, ModelRunner can service inference requests with input and output shapes [4, batch_size, 2] where batch_size is any positive integer.

3.7. Improved model fusion and I/O overlap performance

Model fusion is a concept in machine learning where the inputs and outputs of multiple small models are combined to improve the overall predictive performance for a specific problem. While Model Runtime can use the individual inputs and outputs of the smaller models as inputs and outputs into the single large model and can conditionally execute a branch related to a single (small) model, problems arise when input data is unavailable. In this case, the default Model Runtime behaviour is to flush all inputs and outputs. This degrades performance for fused models as this will execute the branches for all the different small models.

A similar situation occurs if I/O overlap is being used to improve model throughput. If there is not enough data to fill a batch, then there is a timeout. This also causes all data to be flushed.

To handle flushing of specific data in fused models or to flush some data during I/O overlap, ModelRunnerConfig contains flush_callback, a configuration option that specifies a pointer to a callback function, which Model Runtime calls once, after a timeout occurs when expected data is unavailable.

This callback function provides a mechanism to specify which input and output data is changed and how the data is changed. Input and output data can either be flushed (with null data) or the values can be updated.

The callback function must have the following parameters:

  • tensor_id: The ID of the tensor that ModelRunner was expecting when the timeout occurred.

  • inputs: The pointer to the updated input data structure. ModelRunner expects to find the updated input data here after the callback returns and will then update its input queue.

  • outputs: The pointer to the updated output data structure. ModelRunner expects to find the updated output data here after the callback returns and will then update its output queue.

You must assign a pointer to the callback function to the flush_callback configuration option.

For example, in your application, you would define:

ModelRunnerConfig config;
if (batch_size == 3)
  config.flush_callback = [&inputs_to_be_flushed, &outputs_to_be_flushed](
                              const std::string &tensor_id,
                              const InputMemoryView *&inputs,
                              const OutputMemoryView *&outputs) {
        "flush_callback called without any change for tensor: "
        << tensor_id);
    inputs = &inputs_to_be_flushed;
    outputs = &outputs_to_be_flushed;
else if (batch_size == 7)
  config.flush_callback = [](const std::string &tensor_id,
                             const InputMemoryView *&inputs,
                             const OutputMemoryView *&outputs) {
    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Suppress the compile warning inputs: "
                       << inputs << "outputs:" << outputs);
        "Return immediately in flush_callback for tensor: " << tensor_id);


The application defining the callback function must ensure that the unavailable tensor and the input and output data to be changed or flushed belong to the small model that is currently being executed. If not, inference results may become corrupted.

3.8. Monitoring statistics

ModelRunner can monitor your running inference applications and this can be easily integrated into your server framework and monitoring system. Statistics are available for the phases shown in Fig. 3.2.


Fig. 3.2 The phases that monitoring statistics are available for

You can collect the following statistics on the online server while running inference:

The collection of these metrics does not have any impact on the inference performance.

To use this in ModelRunner, you need to first set the following in ModelRunnerConfig:

Then you can call any of the monitoring functions. For example to get the P99.9 latency, you can call getMonitoringStatisticsPercentile(ms_info, 0.999) and to get the mean of the latencies, you can call getMonitoringStatisticsMean(ms_info) where ms_info is a dictionary that contains the monitoring information. You need to pass in an empty dictionary in Python or std::map<std::string, float> in C++. The results returned, for example for Python, are as follows:

  • getMonitoringStatisticsPercentile() returns:

    "computation_monitoring_statistics_percentile_us":  <value>,
    "read_queue_monitoring_statistics_percentile_us" :  <value>,
    "request_monitoring_statistics_percentile_us" :  <value>,
    "request_monitoring_statistics_percentile_us" :  <value>,
  • getTimeTrace() returns:

    "request_duration_us":  <value>,
    "read_preparation_duration_us" :  <value>,
    "read_queue_duration_us" :  <value>,
    "computation_duration_us" :  <value>,
  • getMonitoringStatisticsMean() returns:

    "computation_monitoring_statistics_mean_us":  <value>,
    "read_preparation_monitoring_statistics_mean_us" :  <value>,
    "read_queue_monitoring_statistics_mean_us" :  <value>,
    "request_monitoring_statistics_mean_us" :  <value>,
  • getMonitoringStatisticsTotalCount() returns:

    "read_preparation_monitoring_statistics_count":  <value>,
    "read_queue_monitoring_statistics_count" :  <value>,
    "computation_monitoring_statistics_count" :  <value>,
    "request_monitoring_statistics_count" :  <value>,