1. Overview
Paperspace now offers access to Graphcore Intelligence Processing Units (IPUs) via Gradient Notebooks, a web-based Jupyter IDE.
The IPU is a completely new kind of massively parallel processor specifically designed for AI and machine learning applications. Each IPU has 1,472 processor cores, running nearly 9,000 independent parallel program threads. For example, the IPU‑POD16 system available on Paperspace gives you access to 4 petaFLOPS of AI compute.
The advantage of accessing IPUs on Paperspace is that the environment to run the notebook is ready-to-use — you don’t have to set anything up.
More information is available on the Graphcore blog Getting Started with IPUs on Paperspace and the Paperspace blog Up and Running with Graphcore IPUs on Paperspace.
New to IPUs?
We suggest watching the Fundamentals of the IPU and Poplar video, which introduces the IPU architecture and programming model.
You can also read the IPU Programmer’s Guide and Switching from GPUs to IPUs for Machine Learning Models for more details on these topics.
New to Paperspace or Gradient?
Watch the videos on the Paperspace YouTube channel to learn more about Paperspace and Gradient.