#include <gcl/TileAllocation.hpp>
namespace gcl
Graphcore Communications Library.
CrossReplica functions
Collective operations working across replicas.
WithinReplica functions
Collective operations working within replicas.
unsigned getMinIoTiles(const poplar::Graph &graph)
Get the minimum number of IO tiles required for GCL operations.
This is the minimum number of tiles you must ask for in perIPUTiles() for it to be a valid graph for GCL operations.
- Parameters
graph – The graph to check. It assumes that all tiles in the graph will be used for IO operations.
- Returns
The smallest number of IO tiles that must be allocated for GCL operations.
std::vector<unsigned> perIPUTiles(const poplar::Graph &graph, unsigned offset, unsigned count, bool sorted = true, bool tilePairs = true)
Return a list of tile IDs optimal for GCL collective operations.
A set of tiles are chosen with an optimal distribution across exchange blocks and exchange-block contexts. (Exchange blocks provide the hardware interface to off-chip IO.)
- Parameters
graph – The graph on which to allocate tiles.
offset – Skip a number of tiles and allocate from an offset. This is useful if you want to call the function multiple times, for example to get a set of tiles for IO and another set of tiles for compute. In that case, you could it twice: first with an offset of zero to get the IO tiles, and then with offset equal to the number of IO tiles in order to get the compute tiles.
count – Number of tiles IDs to return.
sorted – If true the function will sort the returned list of IDs. This is normally required and is the default.
tilePairs – Override the default behaviour and return tile pairs. Tiles used for host IO must be allocated in pairs.
- Returns
A vector of tile IDs.
unsigned getMinIoTiles(const poplar::Graph &graph)