#include <popops/TensorCollectives.hpp>
Support for collectives.
namespace popops
Common functions, such as elementwise and reductions.
Chunks reduceScatter(poplar::Graph &graph, const poplar::Tensor &toReduce, popops::CollectiveOperator op, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {}, const poplar::OptionFlags &options = {})
Given a tensor of rank 2 reduce across the outermost dimension using the specified reduction operator.
This function assumes index
in the outermost dimension is mapped to IPUi
. The result is distributed over IPUs such that each IPU has a slice of the final result.- Deprecated:
Use gcl::reduceScatterWithinReplica() instead
- Parameters
graph – The graph.
toReduce – The tensor to reduce. Each partial should be mapped identically to the others across the IPUs within the rank.
op – The reduction operator (for example, popops::CollectiveOperator::ADD).
prog – The program sequence to add operations to.
debugContext – Optional debug information.
options – Collective options (not currently used).
- Returns
A vector of chunks, where chunk
resides on IPUi
. The chunks may have different numbers of elements (for example, when the number of IPUs does not exactly divide the number of elements).
poplar::Tensor allGather(poplar::Graph &graph, const Chunks &toGather, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {}, const poplar::OptionFlags &options = {})
Broadcast data distributed over all IPUs.
This function assumes chunk
is mapped to IPUi
.- Deprecated:
Use gcl::allGatherWithinReplica() instead
- Parameters
graph – The graph.
toGather – The chunks to gather.
prog – The program sequence to add operations to.
debugContext – Optional debug information.
options – Collective options. See reduceScatter().
- Returns
A 2D tensor that contains a copy of the data for each IPU. Index
in the outermost dimension of the result is mapped to IPUi
poplar::Tensor allReduce(poplar::Graph &graph, const poplar::Tensor &toReduce, popops::CollectiveOperator op, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {}, const poplar::OptionFlags &options = {})
Perform an all-reduce operation on the specified tensor.
This operation reduces across the outermost dimension of the input and produces a tensor with the same shape where the innermost dimension is the result of the reduction and the outermost dimension is a number of copies of the result. This function assumes index
in the outermost dimension of the input is mapped to IPUi
. Indexi
in the outermost dimension of the result is mapped to IPUi
.- Deprecated:
Use gcl::allReduceWithinReplica() instead
- Parameters
graph – The graph.
toReduce – The tensor to reduce. Each partial should be mapped identically to the others across the ipus within the rank.
op – The reduction operator (for example, popops::CollectiveOperator::ADD).
prog – The program sequence to add operations to.
debugContext – Optional debug information.
options – Collective options. See reduceScatter().
- Returns
A tensor with the same shape as
, where the innermost dimension is the result of the reduction and the outermost dimension has a number of copies of the result.
Chunks reduceScatter(poplar::Graph &graph, const poplar::Tensor &toReduce, popops::CollectiveOperator op, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {}, const poplar::OptionFlags &options = {})