
#include <poplin/ConvPreplan.hpp>

Functions and data types to support performing convolution preplanning.

namespace poplin

Linear algebra functions.


void preplan(const std::set<ConvPlanParams> &convs, const std::set<MatMulPlanParams> &matmuls, PlanningCache &cache)

Plan the specified convolutions & matmuls.

All entries must have matching machine parameters.

All entries must have matching machine parameters.

  • convs – A set of tuples of:

    • conv-specific target for tile / IPU sizing

    • convolution parameters

    • implementation options. See createWeights().

  • matmuls – A set of tuples of:

    • matmul-specific target for tile / IPU sizing

    • convolution parameters

    • implementation options. See createWeights().

  • cache – The planning cache to update.