#include <popsparse/experimental/BlockSparse.hpp>
Block sparse operations.
namespace popsparse
Support for sparse matrices.
namespace experimental
enum SubBlockMask
Define the sparsity mask inside a block.
The diagonal is defined across sll the non-sparse matrix dimensions, where the row index is equal to the column index.
enumerator None
No elements are zeroed out.
enumerator ZeroUpperTriangle
Elements in the upper triangle, above the diagonal, are zeroed out.
enumerator ZeroLowerTriangle
Elements in the lower triangle, below the diagonal, are zeroed out.
enumerator None
poplar::Tensor bsSoftmax(poplar::Graph &graph, poplar::Tensor sparseTensor, const std::array<int, 2> &dim, const std::array<int, 2> &blockSize, const std::vector<unsigned char> &sparsity, SubBlockMask subBlockMaskType, unsigned numGroups, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {})
This function computes softmax on a sparse tensor.
- Parameters
graph – The Poplar graph.
sparseTensor – The input sparse 2D tensor. It must be in a block-sparse format.
dim[0] – Number of rows of the original dense tensor.
dim[1] – Number of columns of the original dense tensor.
blockSize[0] – Block size of the rows.
blockSize[1] – Block size of the columns.
sparsity – The 2D sparsity mask for the block-sparse tensor, in which ‘1’ is a non zero block and ‘0’ is a zero block.
subBlockMaskType – Sub-block mask type. Elements in upper (or lower) triangle are filled by zeroes in the result.
numGroups – The umber of groups for group operation or 1 for non-group operation. This parameter affects sub-block mask application only. The 0 dimension of the dense representation is logically divided into groups and sub-block mask applies individually for each group.
prog – A reference to the program sequence to which the code to perform the softmax will be appended.
void bsSoftmaxInPlace(poplar::Graph &graph, poplar::Tensor sparseTensor, const std::array<int, 2> &dim, const std::array<int, 2> &blockSize, const std::vector<unsigned char> &sparsity, SubBlockMask subBlockMaskType, unsigned numGroups, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {})
This function computes softmax on a sparse tensor, in place.
- Parameters
graph – The Poplar graph.
sparseTensor – The input sparse 2D tensor. It must be in a block-sparse format.
dim[0] – Number of rows of the original dense tensor.
dim[1] – Number of columns of the original dense tensor.
blockSize[0] – Block size of the rows.
blockSize[1] – Block size of the columns.
sparsity – The 2D sparsity mask for the block-sparse tensor, in which ‘1’ is a non zero block and ‘0’ is a zero block.
subBlockMaskType – Sub-block mask type. Elements in upper (or lower) triangle are filled by zeroes in the result.
numGroups – The umber of groups for group operation or 1 for non-group operation. This parameter affects sub-block mask application only. The 0 dimension of the dense representation is logically divided into groups and sub-block mask applies individually for each group.
prog – A reference to a program sequence which will be appended with the code to perform the softmax.
poplar::Tensor bsSoftmaxGrad(poplar::Graph &graph, poplar::Tensor sparseOut, poplar::Tensor sparseOutGrad, const std::array<int, 2> &dim, const std::array<int, 2> &blockSize, const std::vector<unsigned char> &sparsity, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {})
This function computes softmax gradient on a sparse tensor.
- Parameters
graph – The Poplar graph
sparseOut – The outer (activation) sparse 2D tensor. It must be in block-sparse format.
sparseOutGrad – The outer gradient sparse 2D tensor. It must be in a block-sparse format.
dim[0] – Number of rows of the original dense tensor.
dim[1] – Number of columns of the original dense tensor.
blockSize[0] – Block size of the rows.
blockSize[1] – Block size of the columns.
sparsity – The 2D sparsity mask for the block-sparse tensor, in which ‘1’ is a non zero block and ‘0’ is a zero block.
prog – A reference to a program sequence which will be appended with the code to perform the softmax.
enum SubBlockMask
namespace experimental