#include <poplar/DataStream.hpp>
namespace poplar
Poplar classes and functions.
class DataStream
- #include <DataStream.hpp>
An object representing a stream for communicating between the host and the device.
A stream is a unidirectional communication from the host to the device, or from the device to the host.
The maximum buffer size for each stream is 128 MBytes.
Public Functions
DataStream(const DataStream&)
DataStream(DataStream&&) noexcept
DataStream &operator=(const DataStream&)
DataStream &operator=(DataStream&&) noexcept
unsigned replicationFactor() const
ReplicatedStreamMode replicatedMode() const
DataStreamType type() const
class RemoteBuffer
- #include <DataStream.hpp>
A remote buffer is a region of remote (meaning not on the IPU) memory that is used as a cache.
It is implemented as two DataStreams: one to write to the remote memory, the other to read the data back to the IPU.
Public Functions
RemoteBuffer(const RemoteBuffer&)
RemoteBuffer(RemoteBuffer&&) noexcept
RemoteBuffer &operator=(const RemoteBuffer&)
RemoteBuffer &operator=(RemoteBuffer&&) noexcept
DataStream getIpuToHostStream() const
DataStream getHostToIpuStream() const
size_t numElements() const
size_t getRepeats() const
bool isRearrangeOnHost() const
bool isOptimisedForMemory() const
bool operator==(const RemoteBuffer &b) const
bool operator!=(const RemoteBuffer &b) const
namespace core
class DataStream