
#include <popsparse/experimental/BlockSparseMatMul.hpp>

Block sparse matrix multiply.

namespace popsparse

Support for sparse matrices.

namespace experimental


poplar::Tensor createBSMatMulInputLHS(poplar::Graph &graph, const BSMatMulParams &bsMatMul, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext, const poplar::OptionFlags &options = {})

Create a tensor for use as the left operand of block-sparse matrix multiplication.

  • graph – The Poplar graph.

  • bsMatMul – The object for block-sparse information, includes the sparsity mask, the matrix size, the block size, and the data type.

  • debugContext – Optional debug information.

  • options – Matrix multiple options, see bsMatMul() for details.


For non-grouped BSMatMulParams object, if the left matrix is a dense matrix, the return tensor is just a regular 2D matrix. If it is a sparse matrix, the return tensor is an array of non-zero blocks. For group BSMatMulParams object, the return tensor is concatenated along 0 dimension for all matrices in a group.

poplar::Tensor createBSMatMulInputRHS(poplar::Graph &graph, const BSMatMulParams &bsMatMul, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext, const poplar::OptionFlags &options = {})

Create a tensor for use as the right operand of block-sparse matrix multiplication.

  • graph – The Poplar graph.

  • bsMatMul – The object for block-sparse information, includes the sparsity mask, the matrix size, the block size, and the data type.

  • debugContext – Optional debug information.

  • options – Matrix multiple options, see bsMatMul() for details.


For non-grouped BSMatMulParams object, if the right matrix is a dense matrix, the return tensor is just a regular 2D matrix. If it is a sparse matrix, the return tensor is an array of non-zero blocks. For group BSMatMulParams object, the return tensor is concatenated along 0 dimension for all matrices in a group.

poplar::Tensor bsMatMul(poplar::Graph &graph, const BSMatMulParams &bsMatMulParams, poplar::program::Sequence &prog, const poplar::Tensor &lhsMatrix, const poplar::Tensor &rhsMatrix, const poplar::OptionFlags &options = {}, const poplar::DebugContext &debugContext = {})

This function multiplies the left-hand matrix by the right-hand matrix.

Matrix multiply options

  • numberOfPass Integer [=1]

    The number of passes used to serialise the matrix multiply.

    If this is greater than 1, the leading dimension (if the matmul shape is [MxN] x [NxK], it is M) will be divided by numberOfPass, and each sub matmul will be run in serial to reduce the temporary memory usage.

  • graph – The Poplar graph.

  • bsMatMulParams – The object for block sparse information, includes the sparsity mask, the matrix size, the block size, and the data type.

  • prog – A reference to a program sequence which will be appended with the code to perform the multiplication.

  • lhsMatrix – If BSMatMulParams is for dense x sparse, this is the left-hand dense matrix. If BSMatMulParams is for sparse x sparse, this is the non-zero blocks of the left sparse matrix. For a group BSMatMulParams object, it should be concatenated along 0 dimension for all tensors in a group.

  • rhsMatrix – A tensor for an array of non-zero blocks in the right-hand sparse matrix. For a group BSMatMulParams object, it should be concatenated along 0 dimension for all tensors in a group.

  • options – The structure describing options for how the multiplication should be implemented.

  • debugContext – Optional debug information.


The tensor holding the result of the multiplication. This tensor will be created, added to the graph and mapped to tiles. For a group BSMatMulParams object, the return tensor is concatenated along 0 dimension for all ops in a group.

class BSMatMulParams
#include <BlockSparseMatMul.hpp>

This class supports block-sparse matrix multiplication.

The class only saves the sparsity mask, the matrix size, the block size, and the data type, which are used to generate the computation graph.

The matrix data is passed when bsMatMul() gets called.

The purpose of this design is to reuse the instance of this class when only the data of the matrix is changed, and the matrix sparsity does not change.

Public Functions

BSMatMulParams(const std::array<int, 3> &dim, const std::array<int, 3> &blockSize, const std::vector<unsigned char> &rhsSparsity, bool rhsNeedTranspose, poplar::Type inDataType, poplar::Type outDataType, poplar::Type partialDataType, unsigned numGroupsIn = 1)

This constructor is for a dense matrix (left side) multiplying a sparse matrix (right side).

  • dim[0] – Number of rows in the left-hand matrix.

  • dim[1] – Number of columns in the left-hand matrix.

  • dim[2] – If the right matrix needs to be transposed, this is the number of rows in the right-hand matrix. Otherwise, it is number of columns in the right-hand matrix.

  • blockSize[0] – Block size of the rows in the left-hand matrix.

  • blockSize[1] – Block size of the columns in the left-hand matrix.

  • blockSize[2] – Block size of the columns in the right-hand matrix. Block size must be divisible by 16 for FP16 and divisible by 8 for FP32.

  • rhsSparsity – The 2D sparsity mask for right-hand block sparse matrix, in which ‘1’ is a non-zero block and ‘0’ is a zero block. For group operation this parameter is concatenated sparsity masks for all ops in a group.

  • rhsNeedTranspose – Whether the right-hand matrix need be transposed. This is mostly to support backward pass. If this parameter is true:

    • dim and blockSize must conform to the transposed shape.

    • rhsSparsity must be in the original, non-transposed order.

    • rhsMatrix in bsMatMul() must contain data within blocks in original, non-transposed order.

  • inDataType – Input data type.

  • outDataType – Output data type.

  • partialDataType – Partial data type.

  • numGroupsIn – The number of groups for group operation or 1 for non-group operation.

BSMatMulParams(const std::array<int, 3> &dim, const std::array<int, 3> &blockSize, const std::vector<unsigned char> &resSparsity, poplar::Type inDataType, poplar::Type outDataType, poplar::Type partialDataType, SubBlockMask subBlockMask = SubBlockMask::None, unsigned numGroupsIn = 1)

This constructor is for a dense matrix multiplying a dense matrix.

The multiply is performed as a sparse operation and the result stored as a sparse matrix.

  • dim[0] – Number of rows in the left-hand matrix.

  • dim[1] – Number of columns in the left-hand matrix.

  • dim[2] – Number of columns in the right-hand matrix.

  • blockSize[0] – Block size of the rows in the left-hand matrix.

  • blockSize[1] – Block size of the columns in the left-hand matrix.

  • blockSize[2] – Block size of the columns in the right-hand matrix. The block size of the columns in the left-hand matrix equals the block size of the rows in the right-hand matrix. Block size must be divisible by 16 for FP16 and divisible by 8 for FP32.

  • resSparsity – The 2D sparsity mask for the result block-sparse matrix, in which ‘1’ is a non-zero block and ‘0’ is a zero block.

  • resSparsity – The 2D sparsity mask for the result block sparse matrix, in which ‘1’ is a non-zero block and ‘0’ is a zero block. For group operation this parameter is concatenated sparsity masks for all ops in a group.

  • outDataType – Output data type.

  • partialDataType – Partial data type.

  • SubBlockMask – The mask inside a block. See SubBlockMask in BlockSparse.hpp for details.

  • numGroupsIn – The number of groups for group operation or 1 for non-group operation.

BSMatMulParams(BSMatMulParams &&other)

Public Members

std::unique_ptr<BSMatMulImpl> impl