5.3. Overlap I/O
The IPU execution of an inference model is generally divided into three stages:
Load: Copy input data from the host to the IPU
Compute: Model computing
Store: Copy result data from the IPU to the host
These three stages are executed serially, which means that the computing resources of the IPU are idle while data is transferred in the Load and Store stages. In some models, with large input and output data, the performance of the whole model is limited by I/O. For this kind of model, enabling overlap I/O can overlap the computing stage and the I/O stage. This improves the utilisation rate of the computing resources of the IPU.
5.3.1. Principle
The principle of overlap I/O is to divide all the tiles on the IPU into two groups, namely compute tiles and I/O tiles. Compute tiles perform all computation, while I/O tiles only handle transferring data with the host. In this way, the stages of Load, Compute and Store form a three-level pipeline in a computational flow, which overlaps compute and I/O to improve the utilisation rate of the computing resources of the IPU.

Fig. 5.2 Pipeline formed by Load/Compute/Store
5.3.2. Configuring I/O tiles
To enable overlap I/O, you only need to set one parameter, the number of I/O tiles. The number of I/O tiles can be adjusted to optimise the throughput of the transmission. To calculate the number of I/O tiles, you can divide the sum of the tensor sizes of all input and output by the SRAM size available for each tile and then round to the next power of 2.
Configuring I/O tiles with the PopRT CLI
poprt \
--input_model model.onnx \
--export_popef \
--output_dir model \
--num_io_tiles 128
Configuring I/O tiles with the
opts = poprt.compiler.CompilerOptions()
opts.num_io_tiles = 128
5.3.3. Debugging
You can use the PopVision Graph Analyser to display the overlap between I/O and Compute stages to determine whether overlap I/O would improve your throughput. Fig. 5.3 shows an example of the output of the PopVision Graph Analyser.

Fig. 5.3 PopVision Graph Analyser shows overlap between I/O and Compute
5.3.4. Concurrent requests
Since the three stages of inference form a three-stage pipeline through overlap I/O, sufficient concurrent data must be fed to the IPU in order to keep the pipeline full. At least three threads are required to feed the concurrent data to the IPU through the multi-threading mode.
5.3.5. Example
The following is a simple example using overlap I/O:
1# Copyright (c) 2022 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
2import argparse
3import threading
5import numpy as np
6import onnx
8from onnx import helper
10from poprt import runtime
11from poprt.compiler import Compiler, CompilerOptions
12from poprt.runtime import RuntimeConfig
15PopRT use OverlapInnerLoop strategy as default exchange strategy.
16There are two loops in the main program: outer loop and inner loop.
17Each batch data needs to be processed in three pipeline stages: load/compute/store.
18Therefore, in order to enable the pipeline to run normally, at least three threads
19are required to feed data to the pipeline at the same time.
22- Boxes denote subgraphs / subgraph Ops / loops
23- Inputs/outputs are loop carried in order
25.- outer loop ----------------------------------------.
26| .- inner loop -. |
27| load - compute - | - store | |
28| load - | - compute -- | - store |
29| | load ----- | - compute - store |
30| '--------------' |
32 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
33 overlap overlap overlap
39def compile(model: onnx.ModelProto, args):
40 """Compile ONNX to PopEF."""
41 model_bytes = model.SerializeToString()
42 outputs = [o.name for o in model.graph.output]
44 options = CompilerOptions()
45 options.batches_per_step = args.batches_per_step
46 options.num_io_tiles = args.num_io_tiles
48 executable = Compiler.compile(model_bytes, outputs, options)
49 return executable
52def run(executable, args):
53 """Run PopEF."""
54 # Create model runner
55 config = RuntimeConfig()
56 config.timeout_ns = 0
57 # Create model runner
58 model_runner = runtime.Runner(executable, config)
60 inputs_info = model_runner.get_execute_inputs()
61 outputs_info = model_runner.get_execute_outputs()
63 # Run in multiple threads
64 def execute(bps, inputs_info, outputs_info):
65 inputs = {}
66 outputs = {}
68 for input in inputs_info:
69 inputs[input.name] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, input.shape).astype(
70 input.numpy_data_type()
71 )
72 for output in outputs_info:
73 outputs[output.name] = np.zeros(
74 output.shape, dtype=output.numpy_data_type()
75 )
77 # To correctly generate the popvision report, iteration must be a
78 # multiple of batches_per_step and greater than 2 * batches_per_step
79 # There are 3 threads, so the total number feed into IPU is 3 * iteration
80 iteration = bps
81 for _ in range(iteration):
82 model_runner.execute(inputs, outputs)
84 threads = []
85 num_threads = 3
86 print(f"Run PopEF with {num_threads} threads.")
87 for _ in range(num_threads):
88 threads.append(
89 threading.Thread(
90 target=execute, args=(args.batches_per_step, inputs_info, outputs_info)
91 )
92 )
94 for t in threads:
95 t.start()
97 for t in threads:
98 t.join()
99 print(f"Complete.")
102def default_model():
103 TensorProto = onnx.TensorProto
105 nodes = []
106 num_matmuls = 4
107 nodes.append(helper.make_node("Expand", ["input", "shape"], ["Act0"]))
108 for i in range(num_matmuls):
109 nodes.append(helper.make_node("MatMul", [f"Act{i}", "Weight"], [f"Act{i+1}"]))
110 nodes.append(
111 helper.make_node("ReduceMean", [f"Act{num_matmuls}"], ["output"], axes=[0, 1])
112 )
114 graph = helper.make_graph(
115 nodes,
116 "matmul_test",
117 [
118 helper.make_tensor_value_info("input", TensorProto.FLOAT, (256, 256)),
119 ],
120 [helper.make_tensor_value_info("output", TensorProto.FLOAT, (256, 256))],
121 [
122 helper.make_tensor(
123 "shape",
124 TensorProto.INT64,
125 [4],
126 np.array([4, 4, 256, 256], dtype=np.int64),
127 ),
128 helper.make_tensor(
129 "Weight",
130 TensorProto.FLOAT,
131 (4, 4, 256, 256),
132 np.random.randn(4, 4, 256, 256),
133 ),
134 ],
135 )
136 opset_imports = [helper.make_opsetid("", 11)]
137 original_model = helper.make_model(graph, opset_imports=opset_imports)
138 return original_model
141if __name__ == '__main__':
142 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
143 description='Convert onnx model and run it on IPU.'
144 )
145 parser.add_argument(
146 '--batches_per_step',
147 type=int,
148 default=16,
149 help="The number of on-chip loop count.",
150 )
151 parser.add_argument(
152 '--num_io_tiles',
153 type=int,
154 default=192,
155 help="The number of IO tiles.",
156 )
157 args = parser.parse_args()
158 model = default_model()
159 exec = compile(model, args)
160 run(exec, args)